Chapter- 3 (progress)

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Chapter- 3

Hirata was clearly being pushed around as the boys and girls were trying to reach each other's throat. Being the font of neutrality he was unable to make a decisive move.

I will not allow this to go any further.

"Yukimura-kun , I agree we should avoid spending points arbitrarily but in the coming future what will you do if these girls are not able to handle it anymore and decide to quit? We will lose 30 points per student at that time. Do you have any countermeasures for that?"

"But if you follow that line of reasoning then they will soon enough desire more comfort which is clearly not reasonable."

"Your point is correct. But you should also reflect on the point that we are supposed to use nature to our advantage in other matters and endure through it but at the moment we are not allowed to relieve ourselves anywhere on the island or the sea."

Yukimura grew silent as if analyzing the point I stated. It was not much of a logic, soon he will remember the fact that we were given a basic toilet for that. But...

"Haha take that you monkeys!"

Shinohara did not give him the time to think out of it. But she was clueless of the fact that she was my next target.

"Shinohara-san that is enough on your part as well. I might have reasoned him into understanding the significance of the temporary toilet but I am not in favour of buying it right away either."

"What are you saying Ichinose-san?! We absolutely need that toilet."

"That is what you say but are you really ready to compromise the future of your career just because you were not able to use a basic toilet for some days?"

Being assertive was a necessity at the moment, gently making them understand the situation was fruitless, prime example of that being Hirata.

"B-But seven days are too much!"

While the girls surrounding Karuizawa-san joined the argument once they found the opening, she herself stayed quiet and observed us.

"I understand your concerns so I have a proposal that might be acceptable to everyone at the moment."

Everyone grew silent as the boys also looked at me with a questioning look.

"I propose we use this toilet until we can find one more spot after claiming our base spot. That way we can negate the 20 points used for the toilet gradually over the course of this week."

Everyone started considering my words.

"Yukimura-kun I understand you want to save the point but losing students will prove more fatal than 20 points, and Shinohara-san I understand you do not want to use this toilet over the next week but I ask you to grin and bear it for the time being, until we can find another spot to negate the damage."

Silence filled the air as the newfound determination filled the eyes of the girls.

"Very well, but only this once. I will not agree with one another point spent on comfort from this point on unless it is decided by majority vote."

Yukimura agreed as he swallowed his anger over the girls. This is just a stopgap measure they all will soon collide again.

"Hey! Did the other classes decide what they are gonna do already?"

I turned towards the voice, it was Kushida-san. Seemed like all the classes were ahead of us when it came to the test of unity, if they moved into the gigantic forest before us, then they also increased the chance of securing the good spots.

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