Chapter- 5 (Arrival)

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Chapter- 5 (Arrival)

"Students will hand in their cell phones when their names are called and alight from the bus. Ayanokouji, Ike—".

Chabashira performed a roll call of the boys in syllabary order while having them start alighting from the bus. I turned off my phone and placed it inside the plastic box set beside our teacher. Upon alighting, an unfamiliar teacher approached. And we were then instructed to wait a slight distance away from the bus.

After this point, the boys and girls were separated, there were two big school grounds. Two old fashioned wooden buildings apparently for boys and girls, the size was enough to accomodate all of us. Both of them were separated by the two school grounds, seemingly there won't be any sneaking into one building from another.

We were instructed to move into the boys' building. Along the way, in a room that appears to be a classroom of some sort, there was no air conditioning installed but rather a stove had been placed at the center of it. Probably starting from tomorrow, we'll have lessons in classrooms like that one. We then passed by what appears to be a gymnasium.

The boys from Class A and Class B arrived, and they looked in our direction. Afterwards, Class C entered and next up would probably be the 2nd and 3rd years. We were instructed to form a line, stand still, and wait for further instructions.

As the boys from upper years gathered, the chit chat between the first years died out.

Not too long afterwards, someone who looked like the teacher of a different school year stood up on a stage with a microphone in hand and spoke to the students.

"I'll assume you've all received a prior explanation in the bus regarding the contents of this exam and that you've digested it. As such, there will be no further explanation of it here. Now then, we'll be forming our small groups here, so I'll have you set aside time for this. Each school year will hold a discussion in order to create six small groups. Furthermore, as for the formation of the large groups, it'll take place at 8 pm today. That's all,"the teacher said. "This is supplementary information but when it comes to partitioning the groups, irrespective of size, the school will not interfere. And we will not act as arbitrators either."

On hearing this, the school years distanced from each other. The second year had instantaneously formed the groups. This level of coordination couldn't be a result of maturity alone. It seems they have a head, who is controlling all their movements and according to what Elder Horikita had told me, it seems that head is Nagumo Miyabi. But to think they would be able to coordinate the rival classes so efficiently.

Meanwhile, among the first years, Class B blatantly assembled in droves.

"As you can see, we Class B intend to form a group with these members. And as you can see, right now we number 14. If one more person were to join us, we'd meet the prerequisite number. Now then, we're looking for people willing to join us."

The one who said that was a student from Class B named Matoba. Katsuragi was also among the 14 that had gathered, but the one leading them was the boy named Matoba. Apparently, Katsuragi had lost his influence completely since the result of the sports festival.

"Hey! That's not fair!"

"That's not true. On the contrary, it's fair. The remaining three classes can create three groups consisting of 15. In other words, wouldn't it be fine if you form groups just like ours? And then it will be a fair fight among the classes." Matoba was a well spoken person, truly fitting to replace Katsuragi as the leader of boys in absence of Sakayanagi.

"What should we do now, Kanzaki?" Shibata asked as he witnessed the situation.


"In that case I'll give you 5 minutes. Please make your decision by t—"

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