Chapter- 9

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Chapter- 9

(A/N: Ayanokouji's POV continues)

The midnight silence felt threatening and peaceful at the same time, unlike cities it was quieter here. There was no sound of clock ticking, the ship engine had geared down and thus it grew quiet as well. The stillness was broken by the sound of footsteps, Chabashira-sensei approached me walking in an elegant manner.

"I am sorry to keep you waiting, Ayanokouji."

"It's okay. I'm sorry to call you so late."

"An instructor is obligated to consult with a student. It's nothing out of the ordinary. Besides, for better or for worse this is the first time you have contacted me."

"There's something I wanted to ask you sensei."

"Go ahead."

"You once stated that we can buy anything using our points, but there are some exceptions to that rule. Right?"

"Yes. We can't honor requests such as buying the life of anyone within the school premises."

"Thinking along those lines, what is the largest amount of points someone spent in the past and on what?" I asked.

"I can speak from my own experience, it was when someone invested points to bend the school rules. Of course you are kept within certain limitations in that aspect as well."

"Can you give me some examples that have occurred in the past?"

"Are you dissatisfied with my answer?"

"Nah, I don't really mind. I have a good idea of how the school system works."

"You could have just emailed me that question. I don't understand why you wanted me to meet you in person."

"I wanted to discuss something else as well. About the results of island exams."

The word flipped a switch in her and her lips curled to form a slight smile, but she controlled it quickly and assumed her usual demeanour.

"The results were splendid, they surpassed my expectation." her voice had a hint of graciousness in it.

"If that is what you think, then why did you put me in the Dragon group of this test?"

Sensing the danger approaching her, her face switched into battle mode.

"The guidelines for grouping the students is not something you could start understanding. You have been placed in the correct group according to those specifications."

Chabashira sensei took advantage of the lack of information I had about the guidelines. . . or so she thought. I stayed silent for a moment and as expected a sense of victory had seeped into her, but it was too early for that.

"According to those instructions, it's customary to place all of the class representatives into the group, isn't it?"

For a moment she was dumbfounded on hearing the same question which was pitched on her last night, she opened her mouth to say something but closed it again as if not sure what to say.

"Why would you think that?"

Her tone lowered as if she understood there was no way to escape this situation without damage. While the teachers were forbidden to reveal answers directly, the greater threat that troubled her was me. She had put me in a group without giving me any prior information about it, she had tried to trick me and now she was caught.

In this tough situation she would be willing to get out of this by any means necessary, but I am ready to offer her a truce in this situation.

"I overheard the conversation between the teachers last night."

I revealed a sensitive piece of information that would work against me. Chabashira sensei grabbed the opportunity and took the lead of conversation.

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