Chapter- 7

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Chapter- 7 (Ayanokouji's POV)

The papers were distributed, unlike the others, Kanzaki swiftly checked the expression of the other three players once he was aware of his role. Judging from his sudden need for observation, I guess his role is of The Police.

"Kukukuku, I am the King." Ryuuen revealed his identity.

"I am the Police."

All eyes turned towards Ichinose and Horikita who sat side by side. One of these two individuals is the thief while the other is the minister, if Kanzaki chooses wrong then he loses all his points to the thief.

Kanzaki looked at Horikita who met his gaze head on, since it was her regular response, her expression did not reveal any information. The correct move here would be to search for clues in the activities of the other member rather than postulating anything.

He averted his gaze to Ichinose, who smiled as usual. However, on looking carefully you can understand the smile did not reach her eyes like it did under normal circumstances. Her eyes met those of Kanzaki yet for a split second they instinctively escaped his gaze, she returned them to focus as soon as she possibly could but they were enough to hint something odd.

It all happened in a matter of seconds, anyone who got distracted even for an instance would have lost the event.

"Kanzaki-kun, I must inform you that there is a time limit of two minutes for the Police to catch the thief."

Ichinose stated, but Kanzaki just peered into her eyes.

"I understand." He answered after a brief moment of silence.

Since keeping up a false facade puts people under considerable stress, it was understandable that there was a time limit given to catch the thief, or else the police could just stall some time until the thief exhausts themselves and grows negligent.

A minute passed, Kanzaki looked at Ichinose and Horikita periodically.

"I have made my decision." He declared.

(A/N: Now is your chance folks, place your bets.)

At the center of attention Kanzaki announced his answer.

"The Thief is Ichinose."

Everyone turned to Ichinose. Yes, even Class A who were not participating were also following the same pattern.

After a moment of silence, a genuine smile returned to Ichinose's face. She opened the folded paper in her hand and showed it to Kanzaki.

"I am the Minister, you have the wrong person. Sir." She said in a playful tone playing her role-playing her character.

"Kukuku, very interesting." Ryuuen mused.

Kanzaki just stared at Horikita who was the Thief of this round. He retried to figure out her unflinching expression, but she just handed him the folded paper she had. Opening it up he confirmed his loss.

I personally think that there wasn't much Kanzaki could have done in this round. Since he alone went against two of the Class D's star players, there was a very high possibility that those two would do their best to mislead him. Nevertheless, the round was played splendidly by Ichinose and Horikita as well. Although misleading was the natural solution, both of them opted for the same unspoken deception. Had an individual messed their part up, Kanzaki would have ended this death match without any delay.

Ichinose, who did not buckle under the pressure of Ryuuen pinpointing my contribution in the island test, would not crack under these lenient circumstances. But Kanzaki is oblivious to the fact that she had been lying at that time, it was only me and Horikita who knew that she wouldn't lose her calm in a situation like that. This also concludes that Kanzaki believes that she had been defending truth against Ryuuen, because had he had any doubts that Ichinose was lying so confidently at that time, he would have easily figured out that she was acting nervous on purpose in this round.

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