Chapter- 13

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Chapter- 13 (Ichinose's POV)

Cold water surely refreshes the system. I returned from the cooler that the medical team had. The sports festival will be a memory I will recall later in my life.

I joined my classmates once I was done drinking. The tent was unusually silent, the air around me felt heavy.

"Who did it?" I turned towards the owner of the voice. It was Hirata.

"I am asking you politely. Whoever leaked the participation table prostrate yourself now and we can talk this out."

What? Is he going to confront the traitor publicly?

After a few moments of silence Karuizawa stepped forward and said.

"H-Hirata-kun. .."

She couldn't be the traitor, she was the one that was targeted on the cruise ship after all.

"Hirata-kun . .. Ichinose was the only one who had the participation table right?"

Huh? Suddenly I found myself at the center of attention as everyone turned towards me.

"You told me only she has the actual table and even you don't know full details." Hirata stood there considering her words in disbelief.

"Yes, you are right, Ichinose-san was the only one who had the table. But we shouldn't doubt her." Kushida intervened.

"But .. you know Kushida. No one else could've leaked the table because-"

"I didn't leak the table. What are you saying Karuizawa-san?"

"I agree with Karuizawa, you were the only one who had the table since no one else saw the table. You are the only one who can do it." Yuukimura's tone was belligerent.

"Yukimura-kun, why would I even do something like that?"

"That is what I want to ask you, why would you sell out your classmates like that?"


"Did Ichinose-san really do that?"

"I don't think she would ever do that."
"I mean she is the only one you know."

Students had started whispering and questioning my loyalty already. I shook my head and set myself back again.

"Ichinose-san, you were the leader on the island . . .. . . . you were the one who was with Ryuuen on the cruise ship in the end . . . . you are the only one who had the participation table."

Hirata's eyes were full of hostility. His cognitive bias was highlighting the facts that supported his argument in his head.

"Hirata-kun you know me I won't do that!" Exasperation leaked out of my voice.

"I know you? .. .Yes, you are the only one capable of hiding this long. To think you were hidden in plain sight..."


The background whispers of the mob were against me and Hirata's internal thoughts were driving towards the same conclusion.

"Ichinose, we will settle this once the festival ends. I don't want any more penalties. For now admit that you are the traitor."

Everyone grew silent, the moment of confession was there.

"For the last time, I am not the traitor!" I yelled and ran out of the tent.

Running away again huh? Didn't I run away from the world to hide in this school? Shaking my head I went into the girls restroom.

I locked the door and sat down holding my head in my hands. Keeping the table to myself ran the risk of being targeted like this, but I never thought my class would lose their trust in me instantly.

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