Chapter-2 (Rules)

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Chapter - 2

(Author's Note: So this part is a fundamental part of the island arc that I cannot alter whatsoever. This part is about the introduction of rules which are pretty similar to the real universe. I would advise to read it in order to refresh the memory of the rules as from the next chapter we can see how our gang strategizes through this test.)

"The test commences now and lasts for a week, concluding on 7th August when the date changes. This test will determine if you can live on a deserted island together as a group. In addition, I should warn you that this special test is both practical and realistic, designed based

On real-world corporate training."

Ike protested with the teachers for tricking us all into a special test suddenly. Although it was natural to be upset about such sudden retrogression of our vacation, still it was time he swallowed the fact and started to work on the test.

Other classes stared at us as Chabashira-sensei and Mashima-sensei took turns to shoot the flying Ike down. Once everything was resolved between them, Mashima-sensei proceeded to explain to us the upsides of the test.

"It is decided that each class will receive a total sum of 300 points. If they are used well then you all can easily enjoy the week like a normal trip. There is a manual we are going to hand you all for that very purpose."

Holding a booklet in hand Mashima-sensei raised it so that its looks were clearly visible to each class.

"This manual contains all the things you all can buy and all the ways you can earn or lose points in this special test. It also specifies the means to get food, drinking water and other necessities. From barbeque to Jet ski you can purchase them all using the points to enjoy your vacations to the fullest."

He sounded so convincing that my doubt grew further, since it was a test then why is he only telling us about the ways to enjoy it?

Students raised their doubts which were cleared by sensei one after another all directing to the conclusion that we can have fun as long as we abide to a bare minimum set of rules.

"When this special test period is over, all the points owned by the classes will be added to their respective class points at the end of this summer vacation without any exception."

Silence hit the beach, all the students murmuring among themselves and those trying to ask a doubt grew silent at once. The sounds of sea breeze were clearly heard as students started analyzing the situation.

This was a chance for Class D to actually pose a challenge to other classes since it was not based only on academics. Indeed shortening the gap between upper and lower classes.

Everyone suddenly got interested in the manual which was conveniently ignored until now.

"I will give you some supplementary instructions then."

Chabashira-sensei declared it in order to gain the attention of our class as every other teacher proceeded to do the same for their respective classes.

She introduced us to a wristwatch that we were expected to wear till the end of the test without fail. It supposedly was to ensure the safety of the students on the island since installing cameras or supervising by eyes would be impractical.

We were instructed to look at the last page of the manual which listed the penalties.

They were as follows:

A student deemed unable to continue the test due to significant deterioration in health or serious injury will be penalized by thirty points.

In the event a student has polluted the environment, he or she will be penalized twenty points.

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