Chapter- 5

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Chapter -5 (Ichinose's POV)

Two hours of homeroom period of each day was free for us to use as per our will. Naturally today we will try to establish a system in the class to make the participation table.

However, the truth is that we predetermined the system yesterday. The real challenge here is to make the whole class accept the path we chose.

"You are free to use the next two periods as you like." With that Chabashira sensei walked to the back of the class.

I stood up and so did Hirata. I let Hirata start his presentation, it was better for me to observe right now.

"In this festival the participation table is the key to our strategy. So before we start practising I suggest we decide the participation order." He said smiling, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Oh, yeah we should do that."

"While everyone among us wants to win, we need to understand our athletic abilities. For the events of recommended participation we plan to choose the most athletic students for that." Hirata took a pause after saying that to grasp the reaction of the students.

Sudou was having a hard time containing his joy. However, other students seemed to be a little mad at this. But they had no choice but to accept it, since risking the large number of points offered in the recommended events was not a good choice by any means.

"Given the position of our class. We would follow the same pattern in half of the individual events as well." He said with the smile slowly fading from his lips.

Instinctively my head turned towards him, this wasn't what we had discussed yesterday.

"Wait, let us have a chance in the individual competition at least."

"Yes, that is right I want those private points."

We had discussed giving the class free will when it came to individual events. Why did Hirata change the plan midway?

"Giving an unathletic student a chance would mean giving away the top places."

With a slight hint of opportunism Horikita joined the argument taking Hirata's side.

Did both of them plan this beforehand?

No, their communication is limited to our meetings. Horikita was taking advantage of the small discord Hirata had created.

The class went silent when Horikita made her point.

"Hold a minute, you mean to say that we shouldn't have any participation in all this?" Shinohara was the one to speak up directly against Horikita.

Going against Hirata directly wasn't an option for her, so she attacked Horikita who seemed to support him.

"I never said so, I am in favour of letting you all have a few individual events." But skillfully Horikita directed her to the argument Hirata stated.

"What the heck?! I want to score better in my next test, I want to earn those points." Shinohara retorted

"Then study for it, it isn't like you can improve your athletic abilities in this short period of time, to an extent where you would get a spot in the top three."

In the face of logic Shinohara couldn't advance any further. Voices supporting Horikita were also rising, especially Sudou.

"Tch, if that is the case then why don't you and your athletic buddies participate in all of the events."

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