Chapter- 1 (VOL- 3 Cruise ship arc)

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Chapter- 1

Once we were abroad Speranza again, it felt like reconquering the lost paradise. We were finally back at the heaven that was once snatched from us at the beginning of this trip.

Three days have passed since the island test concluded. While Class A saw no growth in their class points, Class B was able to close the small gap between them. At this very point they are approximately 70-80 points far from each other. On the other hand Class C and Class D have outperformed the upper classes, currently we are at 387 points as far as I remember, and on adding the Class C points they should be near 650 points.

Looking at the total number of points our class might appear harmless and utterly hopeless, but the previous test results would have alarmed all the other classes against us. One would expect them to mercilessly attack us, but there wasn't any opportunity in sight at the moment.

Yes, everyone began to relax as it dawned on them that the next week was purely a vacation. That being said there was still a hint of wariness in them as somewhere deep down we all expected another surprise test to knock our door all of a sudden. Even as they relished the merry holidays, an unspoken alertness was present between the classes.

Drowned in thoughts I reached my destination, the gym. The island test had clearly highlighted my weak athletic abilities, Horikita's stamina was a source of inspiration for me. Deep down I know I might not be able to reach her level any sooner due to other activities, but it is never bad to cultivate a good habit that pushes one's limits.

I asked my roommates Mii-chan and Shinohara-san to tag along, but they did not seem that interested. My fourth roommate was none other than Kushida-san. We talked randomly, but I still felt disturbed by the fact that she was potentially the traitor that sold our class leader identity.

According to Hirata we can't launch an all out search for the traitor by announcing it to the class, since that would only stir discord in our new found peace and give the traitor a chance to hide as everyone suspects one another. All in all it was a stalemate, hopefully we do not encounter anything like this in future.

After a slight warmup I climbed the treadmill, it was my first time on it. It had an easy to use interface so I did not face any significant problems. With the speed set, I started jogging. Eventually the speed increased to a swift run, just then a loud noise of iron dropping on ground caught my attention.

My eyes followed the sound to discover a big muscular man curling weights, veins popped beneath his black skin. Taking deep periodic breaths, he was Yamada Albert. The wall that stood between us and the lost spot on the island test, I wonder if such muscles were even possible by training alone for someone his age.

(Author's note: Looking around the gym while running on a treadmill is actually hazardous.)

At the corner of the gym I spotted Katsuragi sitting alone, at first it appeared as if he was resting. But his face was still in battle mode, I assume his classmates are haunting him for the results on the island test. Do not tell me his radar is sensing another special test incoming!

As I watched those two my running speed was gradually increasing to the point I was not able to keep up with it anymore.

"Waah!!!" I exclaimed as my legs paced up to their limits.

"Wooh! Slow it down Shinohara-san she will fall off."

"Hehehehehe, no wonder she covered the whole island thrice a day."

With a sly grin Shinohara-san slowed down the death machine.


"Sit down Ichinose-san, you should take some rest." Mii-chan spoke softly in a worried tone.

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