Chapter - 19

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Chapter -19

(Ayanokouji's POV)


"Remember: no matter what happens, don't show up here. If possible, stay at a little distance. I am sure Ryuuen will scourge the area before taking action." As I was leaving Hirata gave his last piece of advice.

As much as he tried to conceal his intentions, there aren't many ways to apply diplomatic pressure on a person like Ryuuen.

Right now, the only thing that can actually beg the mercy of Ryuuen isn't Manabe's safety. That was never his concern, Ryuuen will trade the life of a person if it results in profit.

Thus it's useless to appeal to Ryuuen's mercy; his self interest has a better chance of stopping him from harming Karuizawa.

Out of the handful of methods by which Hirata can appeal to Ryuuen's self interest, one of them would be to offer up the identity of 'X'.

The profit that Ryuuen seeks was pretty evident by his words in the cafeteria today. In parallel to those words, Hirata realised my identity as 'X'.

Thus, I had a premonition.

After I was out of earshot, I sat down on the hard ground. Even though it's the second special exam that deals with nature, I haven't gotten used to it. For the majority of my life I've been away from the lap of nature.

Time passed by, and after a few minutes I heard faint sounds of footsteps approaching me. They were coming from the jungle. I climbed up the nearby tree in order to stay out of sight. Unlike on the path we walk daily, the moonlight barely reached inside the forest.

Eventually, the owner of the sound came into sight, he was walking cautiously; avoiding any noise that would bring attention to his existence.

In the dim light it was hard to tell who it was, but the tall build reminds me of someone from Class C. Ryuuen was nowhere in my sight, the lone student cautiously made his way through the woods,
Without getting caught by Hirata who was now sitting down, waiting patiently for Ryuuen.

"Outposts...." I mumbled to myself.

Sitting on the tree, I pondered if I should get down or wait here. No one would spot me here, though it's quite uncomfortable to sit in this posture for long.


After another thirty minutes or so, Ryuuen was there at last. Without making any sounds I jumped onto the next tree, closing my distance with the assembly.

Hirata offered 'X's identity in exchange for Karuizawa's safety in this exam. However, he missed the fact that if Ryuuen catches onto his desperation to save Karuizawa, then he will exploit it immediately.

Deals like those made by Hirata or Ichinose are still in the end an appeal, one to Ryuuen's self interest, while other to his mercy.

These methods would work effectively against most people, but Ryuuen is a different breed. In order to subdue him, appeals are useless; this situation demands a different set of tactics.

I wish I could've found someone in my class to take on Ryuuen. However, even with Hirata, Horikita, and Ichinose combined, they'll never outsmart Ryuuen the way things are progressing. 

The difference isn't in their abilities, but rather their approach. The three of them are quite adherent to the school rules. Instinctively, they discard any approach that involves going against the rules.

Nevertheless, Hirata's different from Horikita and Ichinose.

Ryuuen was accompanied only by Kaneda, which was odd in itself. It was no surprise when I spotted Albert going through the forest below me, scanning the area thoroughly. Ensuring no one was present.

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