Afterword (:)

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That concludes this arc, as promised in the previous afterword I've deviated far from canon.  And I will tell you, things will just deviate further from now on, this volume took most of my stamina when compared to any of the previous one's I wrote.  

With that said, I would like your feedback so I can understand your views more. To make it easier I will ask two questions. 

First, what was it in this volume that just didn't fit well with you, or wasn't to your liking? Basically, what I could've improved? 

Second, what was it in this volume that you really liked?  

Any other suggestions regarding my writing style?


Before moving on, I would like to introduce you all to my editor CiCi! 

He's been editing my works on this fic since the beginning of this volume, I don't know if it reflected in my works or not, but his contributions are priceless. On top of that, I learnt a lot about writing from him. Personally, I am a big fan of his writing, currently I am beta reading one of his fics too, it's based on 4th generation WR. You would've gotten a glimpse of his writing in the previous bonus chapter, so if you're interested make sure to check out the fic. (I will add the link in comments of this para) 


My college just went offline suddenly so I'm going to be really busy in the coming time. However, I will try to bring another volume to you all as soon as possible. New leader systems of Class C and Class D are coming into light, the next special exam will be none other than the paper shuffle. I would suggest you follow me so you don't miss it, another reason to do so is that I'm going to start a new fic. 

Yes, even though I'm short on time. 

This new fic will be MATURE, even though its gonna be a lemon, I've planned a complex plot easily on the level of this fic, it won't just have a ship, it will have a whole fleet. The class battles, the S system, the characters, none will lose their congruence. 

 I hope you enjoyed reading, see you all. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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