Chapter- 4 (Rules)

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(A/n: As always I can't change much in rules but it must be included so here it is.) 

Chapter - 4

We were all instructed to wear our jerseys and recommended we prepare several spare jerseys and underwear. Once we were done with that we were told to board the bus.

From what it looks like the whole student body is migrating at the moment, it would be safe to say it wasn't just a field trip.

Chabashira-sensei sat near the driver seat towards the front end of the bus, as expected from our school the interior of the bus had a regal charm to it. The journey began, there didn't seem to be any restriction or monitoring on us,, so most of the students indulged in leisure activities.

Some passed the time away while others played games. Presumably Horikita was reading her book and Ichinose was chatting amiably, in spite of all the vitality in the air, the student sitting beside me didn't show any signs of happiness on his face.

"H-Hirata-kun, would you like to have these rice balls?"

Hirata, who was sitting beside me, was least interested in it. He gestured her to go away, swallowing her pride and the girl went back to her seat.

"You see it coming, don't you?" Hirata muttered.

"Hmm, it is too cold outside, I wonder if this will be a field trip."

". . . . I think this will be another special exam."

"Now that you say it, it does seem to be the case."

"I will be taking the command of the class, I want you to be by my side." Hirata said in a vulnerable tone, perhaps he is thinking about different possibilities and ultimately seeing where my role comes in.

"Right now there is no use thinking about it, we don't have enough information to make any solid plans."

"You're right."

The fun continued for an hour, however eventually Chabashira-sensei stood up.

"Sorry about cutting your fun short but pipe down."

Chabashira said that to the students while holding a handheld microphone in her hands.

"I thought you lot might like to know where this bus is going and what we'll do then."

"Of course we're curious about that. You're not going to tell me it's the uninhabited island again, are you?" Receiving Ike's complaint, Chabashira answered.

"Looks like what happened on the uninhabited island is hard to forget for you lot since it's sticking around in your memory. But calm yourselves. An exam of that scale isn't something that can be held frequently. It means we're not cruel enough to force you into that now that summer's over for you lot. However, as you may have already inferred, a new special exam will be held. Your living standards will be extremely high compared to the uninhabited island."

She said that but it's not something particularly trustworthy. Leaving aside the uninhabited island, up until now there have been special exams held that ordinary students would have considered difficult. Most importantly, a student will be forced to directly confront the pitfall known as expulsion that lurks behind the special exams.

"I'll explain the details of the special exams to you lot." The students of our class had tackled many special exams together, recently they have developed a new sense of unity within them thanks to Ichinose and Horikita.

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