Chapter -4

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Chapter- 4 (Nagumo's POV)

[A/n: While I want to write his POV, there isn't even one monologue of his as I remember. I might know the rough thought pattern but I don't know enough to write his narration. So his POV but 3rd person narration . .. . ]

The homeroom period had just begun, unlike other days today the council room had only two individuals working in it.

Manabu Horikita and Miyabi Nagumo.

On usual days these two would have a team of other council members assisting them, but right now the sports festival was still far away so they didn't mind giving them a few periods off for training. That included the secretary Tachibana as well.

Nagumo, done with his work, sighed deeply. It was still early in the day but today's work was done, with nothing else to do he fiddled around with his phone a little.

Once bored he leaned back in his swivel chair and locked his fingers behind his head. Simultaneously, Manabu got up from his chair behind his desk. This meant he was also done with his work.

"So what do we do next?" Nagumo rotated himself in his direction and asked.

There wasn't anything left to do, but for the formality of it Nagumo asked the question.

"I am going to visit the club rooms, to make sure that they have a utilitarian approach to their budget." With that brief description he walked out of the room.

Bruh, more work.

Nagumo thought in his head and followed him out.

Slowly but surely they walked across the club rooms, silently surveying them. A few people panicked at the sight of the student council while others welcomed them.

Soon they reached the track club, most of the students were wearing school track suits. Naturally, both of them wearing red blazers stood out.

After sparing a few minutes they left the place and made their way to the swimming club's special facility, which adjoined the side of the school building.

"This sports festival is a rare chance for all the grades to compete with each other." Nagumo said.


"In the relay race I will beat you fair and square, it would be a nice show in front of the whole school." he added.

The perpetual confusion Manabu had regarding Nagumo didn't seem to be coming to an end anytime soon.

"My team is going to be the fastest in the relay race, naturally I will be the first anchor to receive the baton. But, I will wait for you, Horikita-senpai. I will beat you on equal terms." Nagumo said, spreading his hands.

On understanding what he meant to say, Manabu felt a slight wave of disappointment. Seemingly winning the 150 points in relay race was not much worth to Nagumo when compared to competing against him.

Then again, according to Manabu's calculation third year Class A and second year Class A would be the competitors for the top spot. So in the rare event that Nagumo has to wait for Manabu, in the worst case scenario Nagumo would still win the second place.

"Do whatever you want." Manabu ended the conversation with that short reply.

"Your apathetic replies always kill the mood." Nagumo said, keeping his hands back in pocket.

On reaching the special building they came across several locker rooms, there was one for each grade. None of them bothered changing, in the main hallway Manabu went ahead to talk to the clerk.

Apparently he was going to summon the manager to survey the working on a deeper level.

Nagumo went out of the main hall and stood near the swimming pool. Attracted to the blissful chirping of girls he lost interest in the work Manabu came here for.

At first they were hesitant but slowly they started approaching him when they spotted him looking at them.

"Good morning, Nagumo senpai!"

"~Get changed and join us,senpai.~"

Nagumo smiled thinly, the beauty of co ed never ceases to amuse him. Seemingly the pool had mostly first years in it at the moment.

"I am here for some work, I will have to leave soon." He said, giving the girl a small pat.


As he roved around the pool he came across a noisy duo. Both the girls bickered loudly and as time passed more girls joined both sides and the event became intense.

The childish squabble killed Nagumo's interest, so he decided to walk away from the unpleasant situation.

"That's enough Shinohara-san, Manabe-san." A sweet yet assertive voice stopped him in his tracks.

On turning back he saw a girl with long flowing cherry blonde hairs, within a few moments both parties simmered down.


Nagumo was captivated by her mature aura (he means body). Her looks were cut above the rest, when compared to her the girls swimming in the pool looked a little childish.

He couldn't spot a hint of slyness in her eyes, nor a hint of insecurity from being unguarded.

As if drawn towards her ripe pureness on instinct, he approached her.

"Good morning, Nagumo senpai."

"Good morning, . .." Nagumo replied politely while extending his hand.

"I am Ichinose Honami from Class D."

The special facility wasn't exactly inside the school, so the students weren't bound to be in uniform here. Naturally they wore a different swim suit than the one given by school.

But what Ichinose wore was a bold one. She didn't seem afraid to show skin.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. Are you all preparing for the sports festival?" Nagumo asked, looking into her blue eyes, trying his best to control his lavish gaze.

"Yes! Although swimming isn't included in the events, it is a fun way to exercise for the girls of our class." She replied innocently.

"A sound strategy to keep the unathletic training. You seem to be a capable individual, why didn't you try applying for the student council?"

"Haha, I am flattered to hear that. But I don't think I am worthy of working in the student council the way I am right now."

"Why would you think so?"

"I mean, I was allotted to Class D. I think I need to improve a lot before serving the council." She answered honestly.

"So would you consider joining the council once you advance to a better class?"

"Yes! For sure." Ichinose exclaimed at the thought of it.

"Just know that you can work in the council even if you are in Class D, I will approve your participation myself." Nagumo added.

"I will keep that in mind, it is just that my class needs me more right now. So I must devote myself there until we rise. Once that happens, it would be an honour to join the council."

"Well said." Charmed by her selflessness, Nagumo decided not to pursue her anymore than this.

They departed with a small handshake, Nagumo turned his back towards her and walked away slowly.

His lips curled into a smile and he licked them with his tongue.

It is the work of the future president to assemble his future team. (he means harem)

Ichinose Honami was one of the purest spirits he has witnessed in this school, it wouldn't be hard to use the same against her.

[A/n: I am not a fan of Nagumo, but I have to develop his character for the story so yeah.. .]

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