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Bonus chapter (Haste Akito)

(Author's note: This is the POV of Akito, about how he managed to get the name of Class C leader. Following the instructions given by Ayanokouji under the name of Ichinose.)

It's cold. The brush of the wind rushed through me as we continued going through the forest. The rain had simmered down but it was still mizzling. Like that it matters since we were already soaked from head to toe.

By now, the timer should've reset. We should pick up our speed even though it's slippery and almost completely dark.

Shortly, we arrived at the hut. Though, we weren't the first ones there. Yamada Albert from Class C was guarding the spot. It seems like our spot got snatched.

On ascending the ladder, I found Ayanokouji, Horikita and Ichinose discussing something.

"Very well, you both hide here. I will explain the plan to Akito while we hide in the bushes over there, the more angles we can get the view the better."

"Agreed, let's get moving."

We quickly departed our ways. Ayanokouji and I hid behind the bushes. He turned towards me and spoke up.

"Akito, there is something Ichinose ordered you to do."

"What is it?"

"According to her, Class B and Class C might be working together, so at the moment Class C might be targeting the Treehouse since it is near their base."

"Wait What?! Then, shouldn't we move there right now? We only have 40 minutes left before it resets."

"Right, but there's a high chance that we might catch them in the act since it's not claimed yet. But, it's unlikely that we'll reach the treehouse on time if we move together. So, Ichinose chose you, the fastest one out of the four of us, to go there and discover Class C's leader."

"But how am I supposed to go there alone? I'm not familiar with the directions to the treehouse."

"Take this," Ayanokouji handed me a flashlight.

"When you move nearly 100m from here, you will discover a small boulder. It might be dark but it's still noticeable. After reaching the boulder, take a left and keep moving silently until you get to Class C's base. You should know the way from there, right?

Ayanokouji recited the directions in a low voice while pointing towards the path. Considering all of this, I felt as if I had seen that boulder already. Perhaps I can do it after all.

"If you succeed, we'll be able to turn the tables. You'll be putting damage on Class C while also bringing us 50 points."

That is a sound plan. With this, our Class points will definitely increase. That means our private points should too. Also, beating Ryueen in his own game sounds like music to my ears. Props to Ichinose.

"Okay, Ayanokouji, leave it to me."

"Alright. Meet us at the waterfall after. We'll be there."

Without wasting any time, I picked up my feet and quickly ran towards the direction of the boulder with the flashlight guiding me. The ground was so slippery. At this point, I'm running on mud.

I stumbled a few times but I couldn't stop. I have to reach the treehouse as fast as possible.

This path should take nearly 1 and a half hours if we walked the whole way while skipping the waterfall. But if I run non-stop, I might make it in time.

With the adrenaline flowing through my body, I felt warm. I rushed towards the bushes and avoided as many trees as possible. I started jumping over the mud puddles.

There it is.

Shortly, I reached the boulder Ayanokouji was talking about. With no time to spare, I quickly shifted my weight towards my left. With that, I started running again until I took sight of Class C's base camp.

I switched off the flashlight and began walking around the camp with gentle footing.


A sudden rustle of bushes put my instincts at alarm. I stopped and quickly hid behind a tree. At a distance, I could hear the faint sound of falling water.

Curious, I took a peek only to find a student from Class C peeing at the bark of a tree. As disgusting as it was, I took a closer look and found out that it was Ishizaki. He was sleepy, rubbing his eyes with the same hand he once.... Nevermind. Anyways, if I could report him he would get points deducted easily.

Though, that's not the plan at hand here.

I sneaked out of there quietly and made haste towards the treehouse. It was pitch dark, the silence deafened me.

Just then, a noise coming from the treehouse descended on my ears. I know that noise...It's the sound that the device makes whenever it's reset. I approached the tree with caution and hid behind the bushes, my heart rate increased.

After a few minutes, a girl descended down the ladder. Oh, she slipped.

I could barely tell but she had short blue hair. Although she slipped, she landed on the ground flawlessly. When she passed by the bush I was hiding in, I became certain of her identity, Honestly, you could already tell with the blue hair and athletic ability alone. She was Mio Ibuki.

Once she was out of sight, I quickly climbed the treehouse to check if anyone else was there. Well, it was empty. It seems like Class C is in a hurry. I glanced towards the countdown on the device. It was claimed barely 2 minutes ago. That means, Mio Ibuki is the leader.

I should inform Ichinose as soon as possible.

With that, I silently left the area, just in case Ishizaki or Ibuki was still around.

As soon as I was a solid distance away from the treehouse, I ran towards the waterfall. I was slowly running out of breath. The amount of running I did today is starting to hurt my legs. But it was worth it.

I reached the waterfall shortly, and without even second guessing myself, I ran through the crashing without. I dragged myself to the nearest wall and passed out.

Although, I was woken up shortly by Ayanokouji. Ichinose and Horikita stood near the device.

"Did you find anything, Akito?"

"Ah? Yes. I am certain that Class C's leader is Ibuki Mio."

"Thank you for your hard work. I will relay this message to Hirata afterwards."

After talking to Ayanokouji. I laid my head against the wall again, begging for rest. As much as I wanted to stay, we had to go back to the base camp.

The next morning, Hirata announced that two of our spots were taken but for some reason, he kept the information about Class C's leader a secret. Maybe he plans to surprise us at the end of all of this.

Even though I was really tired and my legs still hurt, I'm really glad that I was of use to everyone. I will wait patiently for the pleasant surprise that'll meet us at the end of this special exam.

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