BONUS CHAPTER: Chairman Sakayanagi's POV

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Chairman's POV (By a guest author)

"Sakayanagi...." Ayanokōji-sensei said, heavy legs marching towards me. And as he did, his bodyguards matched his steps.

While wariness crept up my spine, I stood my ground. This is quite a debacle admittedly.

"Your father was a wise person. He found this school and passed down his legacy to you. You had an intelligent wife too. In front of her, your existence was that of a fool. Yet, you loved her regardless and you thought she did too."

What? Bafflement clouded my thoughts at those words. Where did his goal lay with this? And – why did he mention her?

"Soon you realised that there wasn't a shred of love for you in her. She was just doing all this to climb up in society. She didn't care a thing about you or your child that she was carrying with her. Even after your protests, she never quit drinking during her pregnancy. Ultimately, the child was born as a cripple."

My eyes turned wide. The gusts of shock wiped out the clouds of perplexity. To obtain even this information, what did he resolve to? My mind ran through several possibilities. Bribery, blackmailing, and what not he ought to have done? I should not be surprised. It's him after all.

"You realised you were worthless when she left behind you and your child alone after a few years of giving birth. Till date, you two aren't divorced but what was the last time you saw her?" Ayanokōji-sensei said, his words prickling away at my psyche. "Seven years ago? Eight years ago?"

The relentless castigation continued unimpeded like tidal waves crashing against the shore. My mind tensed in preparation, but to no avail. My composure quaked at the onslaught of secrets thrown like sharpened blades.

"H-How do you know about this?" My voice slightly broke. I held it together, however, with considerable conscious effort.

"I know this because that is what the society wants you to believe, that is the illusion you were allowed to live in. That you are trash who never deserved a lady like your wife, she was far superior, and so and so."

Already pushed down by the weight of the unveiling, my confusion grew even further at his next words.

"Scratch all that and listen to me," he said and grew silent for a bit. The graveness of this moment grew in intensity.

"I expect you're well acquainted with the term Eugenics." In reply to his unexpected words, I gave a slight nod.

"The movement to promote the genetically superior race to develop humanity to its perfect form, discarding any and every defect that the race carried."

A sickening, foolish advocacy of beliefs.

"What about it? That is an ancient relic?" I asked. From the deep recess of mind, a feeling surfaced. I lost; it won. For it painted my voice with fright. The reality of the situation, like inky mire, was settling deep in my heart, and I averted my eyes from it.

"An ancient relic? It is still going strong, progressing even as we speak," he said, cutting through the wrapping I lay extant. "The leaders of the eugenic movement never ceased their experiments. With their power in society, they would pick up the finest individuals humanity could offer to breed them further."

The wrapping shielding me was shredded apart by the preceding course of events. I had inferred it. I had hidden it. I had ignored the cries of reality. I had leapt to hope. But now...

"Your wife..." The unceasing rain of words hanging in the air continued unforgivingly.

"She was the finest specimen Japan had to offer—"

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