Chapter- 11

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Chapter- 11 (Execution) (Rival strategies- 2)

(Author's note: As the title says this chapter is the execution of Ryuuen's plans. And the progress of his deals with Kanzaki.)

Ibuki's POV (3rd day morning)

Ryuuen, Albert and Kaneda have been patrolling the whole island for the last day, to my surprise their labours did bear fruit. They had found his target and Ryuuen had formulated the method.

According to him, on proceeding a little further we will discover a small colony of shrubs and bushes planted by the school. Three students of Class A are harvesting the berries from the mini plantation two times a day, they always collect berries in two separate clothes; one big one for their class and a small one from which they would enjoy eating without sharing it with other classmates. As deduced by Kaneda they will be done gathering all the berries by today evening after a total of six trips.

We had also found berries that looked identical to the ones they are foraging, hanging on small shrubs deep in the forest where we resided, but according to Kaneda the berries we found were poisonous; not enough to kill someone but to cause gastrointestinal distress and weakness, enough to make students unable to continue the test.

(Author's note: this is what they look like, pretty hard to distinguish unless you know about them beforehand

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(Author's note: this is what they look like, pretty hard to distinguish unless you know about them beforehand.)

You might have guessed it by now, today morning when they return to forage the berries again I will mix the poisonous berries in their secret meal, while this blockhead Ishizaki grabs their attention. If things go right then Class A will lose 90 points by tonight.

It was Ryuuen who devised this strategy, he wanted to poison the whole class but we did not have enough berries to do that and it would have failed if someone from their class spotted out the poisonous ones before they ate them.

All in all this was the result of many events, if Ryuuen would have been a little late to find them then this plot would have stayed buried in the sands of time , if Kaneda had not found the poisonous berries then there was no base for this plan. If we fail to replace the berries covertly then it all would have been for a naught.

That guy Ryuuen has a smart head on his shoulder, it would be great if a little consideration for others slipped into his head someday. But for now he was leading us better than anyone else could.

"It is all up to you now, Ibuki. Don't mess up."

"Shut up. Just do your work correctly."

We departed quietly after that and hid in the bushes waiting for our prey. Shortly after that the three students arrived, chatting amiably with each other. Soon they will chat with each other on Speranza.

Once they were halfway done collecting the fruits, I signaled Ishizaki to initiate the first move. He approached them naturally and started picking berries like a small girl. On spotting him taking the berries the three guys moved in to interrogate him, not that they had any rights over this place but still Ishizaki looked so stupid they were going to try scaring him off.

This was my chance, I came out of my hiding while all of them were focused on the blockhead. Slowly and steadily I crept near the berries which laid on the cloth placed on ground, I skillfully took out 10 berries and replaced them with the new ones.

I fled the scene in haste once I was done, and hid behind the tree to make sure they ate it. Ishizaki on noticing that I had settled my part left the scene once he was done talking to the students.

Within the next few minutes they foraged the next batch of berries and sat down under a tree to have their hard earned reward. Humans tend to hide food they get from others so they can get more of it, this survival test had triggered the primal instincts of the students on a small level.

They all ate the deadly doppelganger I slipped in their meal. I left the scene stealthy when I was sure they had consumed all of the berries. Now the deal with Class B will take off by dusk.

Ryueen's POV (The dusk of 3rd day)

Ibuki and Ishizaki have executed their part well, according to the lowlifes spying Class A those students gave up and retired around the afternoon. It was dusk already, that means Kanzaki would be waiting for me to progress the rest of our deal. But making people wait is one of my favourite hobbies, so I will leave after an hour.

After an hour and half, Kanzaki himself came to my door.

"Come in."

Kukuku he looks so pissed off, yet he is trying his best to conceal it.

"Now that I have delivered the damage worth 90 points to Class A, I would like you to buy me the rest of the goods on the list."

"Very well, I am still amazed that your underhanded plan worked. You will receive the things you asked for by midnight."


"You said you will offer me the leader's identity of Class D in exchange for that of Class A. Have you obtained the proof yet?"

"That will have to wait a little. I will exchange the names once I have the proof."

"I will be leaving then, there is nothing left to discuss at the moment."

With that the little toy left, apparently he got a whiff of my intentions to play with him.

The night welcomed a rainstorm, with the help of Class B I snatched away the two spots from Class D. Kanzaki claimed the hut amidst the storm, once he was done I sent Albert and Kaneda to confuse the monkeys of the defective class so that Ibuki would have her privacy while she claimed the treehouse.

It all went as planned, accordingly I obtained the identity of the leader of apes as well by the 5th day and traded it for Class A leader identity with Kanzaki. Class D was demolished, I can't wait to see the expression Suzune and Honami will make when the results are announced.

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