Chapter- 10

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Chapter-10 (Hirata's POV)

It was still dark when I woke up. The curfew announced last night appeared to be out of order; an odd time to impose the restriction.

It's half past four already, any later than this would result in a half-cooked breakfast. I propped myself on my bed and looked around. Others were sound asleep; after all, no one was habituated to waking up this early in the morning.

Wondering if we were still restricted to our rooms I walked out, no one seemed to be there to monitor the curfew. However, before walking out into the ground I decided to find an official to confirm the situation.

As I roamed in the hallways I saw a few men stationed over the main gate. They were heavily armed for someone guarding a school gate.

I turned the other way and headed towards the main ground. One of our instructors was sweeping the place.

"Good morning, sir."

"Good morning. I am not sure if you should be out here right now."

"But, last night we were instructed to cook our own breakfast. If I delay my work any further it would cause our group problems."

"Yes, I understand that but I am not sure if the curfew has ended yet."

I see, so not even the instructor was informed about the curfew.

"So what should I expect in that case?" I asked.

"I am assuming the authorities will provide you all breakfast for today....." It was hard not to notice the uncertainty in his voice.

"Or maybe you can start gathering the wood and stuff, just don't go towards the main gate. And make sure not to wake up anyone else."


I made my way back to the room, glancing over the guards at the main gate briefly. Whatever is on the other side of the gate is the reason behind this curfew.

The door to my room opened, making a sharp creaking noise. The age of the building spoke for itself. On entering I found Akito awake.

I turned on the light, slowly everyone from our group started waking up, trying to rub the sleepiness out of their eyes.

"We will start preparing breakfast now," I announced.

Akito woke up Sudou and other Class A students, while students of Class C were still asleep. I didn't pay much attention to them. Most of the group was ready to go, so we made our way to the outdoor cookhouse near the school building.

Soon we organised ourselves and started working on our respective chores. I chopped the vegetables while Akito made omelettes. There were a few other students who were skilled in cooking, thus, our work didn't burden us.

"Hey, Hirata. Those guys are sleeping on their asses while we do all the work here!" Sudou growled at me.

He had a point, I looked at Akito; he nodded at me.

"Very well, come with me." I ordered him.

I did plan to confront those guys soon for information but this might be a good time.

"Guys, can you please handle the eggs for a while? I will be back in a few minutes." Akito said and left.

With the same creaking sound I opened the door. Amidst the silence of morning one can hear the clock ticking. The three of us stayed silent, so I approached Ishizaki and tried to wake him up, but to no avail.

"Let me sweep..." He said in a dreamy voice.

Unconsciously, my face made a disgusted expression. I harden my mind. I grabbed the collar of his jersey and dragged him down to the floor.

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