Chapter- 14

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Chapter- 14 (Kushida's POV)

Ryuuen Kakeru, it is easy to spot that he is different from others. But what stood out the most was his approach to crush his enemies. But just when he was about to pulverize Sudou.. . the useless goddesses saved him again.

Those bitches have made a deadly enemy, and what was the old saying again? 'The enemy of your enemy is your friend.'

On the cruise ship I made contact with Ryuuen and struck a deal with the devil. Ichinose and Horikita I will make sure you both don't escape him this time.

The perfect opportunity knocked our door when the special exam came into the picture of the tranquil summer vacation. That bitch Ichinose got the class four spots on the first night, and tried to look cool. But I had already made my plans, at evening Ryuuen had met me and given the command to gain the identity of Class D leader.

When Ichinose said about the waterfall spot, I decided to split the boys and girls so that I could operate closer to the Class C base. At first I tried to let them split up with good intentions, but Ichinose ruined that.

I had a plan B, although I did not want to use it.

"Yukimura-kun, can come to the forest with me for a little? I want to talk to you about something alone."

"Huh? What do you want?"

"I can't tell here."

Once we were in the forest alone I revealed what girls had purchased last night behind his back. As expected he was furious, but to make sure that my name is safe I asked him to check the tents and keep my name hidden at any cost.

It worked just as planned, the girls and guys quarreled until both the sides were about to collapse, Hirata and the others had no choice but to split them until their anger cooled down.

There I met Ryuuen again, he gave me a flashlight, a walkie talkie and a camera to gain evidence and supply it.

Stealing the card from Ichinose was a piece of cake, she slept like a rock due to the fatigue. Everyone would have blamed her and Horikita for leaking the identity. I am having too much fun doing this.

I hid the camera, flashlight and walkie talkie in the earth a little far from the waterfall. On the night of the fifth day I supplied Ryuuen the identity of our leader.

It was done, Class D will be in ruins when the test ends. And everyone will blame Horikita and Ichinose for this.

It all was going according to plan, apparently by the sixth day, time had healed the wound I left on the class. Hirata asked the girls to move back with the boys for the last day and all of them agreed, this is what I hate the most about them. They have a fight and forget about it.

No, when you make an enemy, he or she will be your enemy until one of you is destroyed.

Karuizawa and her friends moved out before us, and Hirata came back to help us carry luggage. But.. he also had an announcement to make.

"Everyone, this might come as a shock to you all. Ayanokouji has retired due to poor health, we have thought a lot and appointed a new leader."

"Whhat?! That means we lost 30 points!"

"That guy can't bear it for the last day! Argh I hate weaklings like him."

Girls started making a fuss about it, but more importantly the leader has been replaced. I need to tell Ryuuen the new name before it is too late.

Hirata walked away from everyone to gather the leftover luggage, once he was done perched the bag on his back and started to leave. I approached him as he was away from everyone.

"By the way, who is the new leader, Hirata-kun?"

"I will tell you all together when we walk to the base, it is better to avoid talking about the new leader's name as much as possible."

"Okay if you are afraid of spies whisper it in my ear."

With a warm smile Hirata whispered the name Akito Miyake in my ears. I see so another loner was appointed as the leader huh?

"Oh I see, that was a smart choice."

After that he went through the wall of water, he said he will say the name of the leader when everyone is walking to the river, right? I will need some evidence for Ryuuen to make him believe in the name of the new leader.

After Hirata left the girls started leaving behind him as well, I sneaked out of the line and fetched the walkie talkie hastily. I connected it with the Ryuuen, talking about devil timing he picked up in one ring.

"I have something important to convey, listen carefully and don't make any sound for the next 30 minutes."

"Kukuku very well, let's see."

I put the walkie talkie in the pocket of my jersey so that it would still catch the sounds and joined Hirata and the other girls. After some random talk at last Mii-chan raised the question I have been waiting for.

"Hirata-kun, you said the leader was replaced right? Who is the new leader?"

"I was going to get to that part, but in the middle of the forest we might be spied on so let us form a circle."

Everyone obeyed Hirata and performed the old ritual.

"After thinking a lot Akito Miyake was appointed as the new leader."

"Nice, who is that guy by the way?"

The girls apparently did not even remember his face.

"More importantly, I would like you all to not discuss this at all. Since it is the ending phase of the test, the other classes will frantically search for the leader. They would even be ready to miss a student roll call if it meant to discover the identity of our leader at this point. So please be careful."

Hirata issued the warning, he had a point that other classes are trying their best to find the leader, but they have planned it from the beginning of the test.

The name was successfully passed to Ryuuen, my work here is done. Phew, it was a close call, but now I just need to sit back and enjoy it.

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