Chapter- 8

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Chapter- 8

(A/N: This chapter is also continuation of POV of Ayanokouji from the last chapter.)

To find the teacher's together at a place like this should not be unnatural, but if I get caught then it can prove fatal once they decide to drive this matter far.

"You know, it's been a long time since the three of us all got together."

"It is what it is. Fate. After bouncing around from one thing to the next, we all chose the teacher's life."

"Enough. There's no point talking about that."

"Ah, that reminds me. You were on a date the other day, weren't you?

You've got a new girlfriend, huh? Mashima-kun, you're quite the playboy. And here I'd thought you were the quiet, unsociable type."

"Chie, what happened to the man you were with?"

"Ah ha ha! We broke up two weeks ago. I'm the type of girl who

breaks it off once the relationship starts getting serious. It's just like, see ya later!" Hoshinomiya-sensei said.

"That's what you'd usually hear from the guy."

"Ah, but I'd never do that to you, Mashima-kun. You're my best friend,

after all. I'd hate to ruin our friendship."

"Relax. I'm not worried about that."

"What a shocker."

Hoshinomiya-sensei poured whiskey into an empty glass. She downed

it in one gulp. Must've been a drinker. On the other hand, Chabashira-sensei sipped her drink like a cocktail.

"What are you planning, Sae?"

Chabashira made eye contact in a questioning manner.

"It's customary to place all of the class representatives into the Dragon

group, isn't it?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"You put Hirata Yousuke and Kushida Kikyo in a different group than the Dragon group."

"True both of them have splendid grades as well as a fairly good evaluation in teamwork, but as I am the one who accompanied my class on the island for seven days I know that both of them have major drawbacks in their leadership. I genuinely think that they needed to learn a lesson so I removed them from Dragon group."

Chabashira answered without flinching even once, as if she already predicted this event. Mashima sensei nodded in agreement.

"But the incongruencies do not end there, you put Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Chiaki Matsushita on the Dragon group." Hoshinomiya sensei pointed out the question I am also interested in.

"On the island one of them was elected as the leader by the class, I deem this challenge to be correct to unravel the hidden potential these two might have," Chabashira-sensei answered it bluntly.

"Still there are no visible signs like academics and cooperativeness." But Hoshinomiya-sensei was not ready to leave it at that.

"If you follow that logic why do you think Sakagami-sensei would put Ryuuen Kakeru into the Dragon group? The true place in society is not decided with just grades and numbers, there is more to a student than those which others might not see." As if expecting that, Chabashira-sensei gave a perfect response to it.

Mashima sensei nodded again in agreement as if convinced of something. However, he then strictly addressed Hoshinomiya-sensei.

"There's no rule against this, but I want to be clear. Stop spying on your colleagues' classes."

Hoshinomiya-sensei made an apologetic yet not at all serious expression, she did pull the gun while they were under the effect of alcohol. But Chabashira sensei also handled it perfectly.

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