Chapter- 10

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Chapter- 10

We moved from the hut to the base swiftly in order to attend the roll call. Assuming the girls were going to leave the base camp, Horikita decided to bring the fishing rods which we found in the hut to the base camp, it was a sound decision to give it to the girls since they plan on moving to the waterfall so that they can catch some fishes in the river for food.

Shortly after the roll call was over, the girls packed their luggage to leave the base. The harmony we had gained by last night was in tatters, as Hirata gathered a team of boys to shift the tent to the next location.

He understood it well enough that keeping the two factions separate was more effective than trying to mediate between them at this point in time.

Although having the class split up in two camps voluntarily would have offered advantages, but our class was forced to split up due to internal conflict which rendered all of the advantages useless.

Our team left the base first in order to revoke the rights of the waterfall, we followed the river to reach the spot. I wonder how the girls will manage to come in and out of that wall of water to attend the roll call and other activities.

We relaxed a little in the cave waiting for our classmates before leaving for the tree house. Apparently the school was helping them move the toilet and a shower to the new spot.

I wished I could stay here to see how things proceeded, but if we don't leave for the tree house right now then it will be in a vulnerable position due to the fact that Ryuuen has his base near it.

We returned to the base camp near the river once we were done with the tree house.

The camp felt desolate without the girls playing around and foraging food.

Who was to blame for this? Was it the fault on girls' part to seek such comfort? Or were the boys acting too barbaric to save points? Was it the result of poor leadership I and Hirata exhibited? Does it even matter who did it? Nothing will be solved by finding the one to blame.

As I showered, I cooled down my brain, this surely was refreshing after getting drenched in sweat and river water so many times today. I analyzed the statistics of our class calmly.

We lost 30 points after Kouenji retired, I had missed a roll call that had cost us 5 points as well. The toilet cost us 20, while according to Hirata the food and water as a set was costing us 20 points per day even if we forage food. The total cost of our consumption has been reduced by nearly 50 points once we decided to rely on river water for drinking purposes.

The 4 spots we have been holding since yesterday are providing us 12 points per day. If we keep reclaiming the spots over and over again we will end up with more than 80 points by the end. Assuming that the things the girls bought are around 30 points and another 20 to 30 points lost in extra miscellaneous things, our total comes around to be around 200-210 if we successfully conceal the identity of our leader.

Having a clear picture of our standing in the test gave me a peace of mind. Once I had some fish and berries for lunch I took a short nap to replenish my strength.

The cycle of claiming the spots continued, and the girls returned to our base to attend roll call and have dinner. Both the parties maintained distance from each other while they ate and occasionally shot each other gazes filled with spite. The increasing heat didn't do help in cooling down their temper either. Now that I think about it the temperature really is getting unbearable, the clouds keep hovering above the island but have not rained yet.

Apparently Hirata had frustration piled up due to the tension in the air, as he ate alone trying to figure out a solution for getting the class out of the sorry state it was in. I would have preferred to join him, but at the moment I was caught up in different duties so he would need to hold down the base alone.

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