Chapter- 15

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Chapter- 15 (Ayanokouji's POV) (Day 4 after the first meeting)

"Let's meet after lunch, once Hirata-kun is back we can wind up the test for the Dragon group." Said Ichinose with enthusiasm.

Following her orders we all dispersed from the room, I wonder how much anticipation is eating them away.

Once I was done with lunch quickly, I started searching for the technician I was told about by Chabashira-sensei. The school had prepared one in case anyone had their phone damaged or wanted a replacement.

When I had asked her how I can get my sim card changed into another phone she had told me that the only way to do that was to meet this technician.

They were located in the lower deck which were usually used for meetings. I entered the room to find a young woman sitting with headphones one listening to music loud enough to be heard outside till here. So this is the technician.

"..." uttering any words is futile, I will have to wait till they notice my presence.

Slowly the chair turned towards me..


"W-What?" On spotting me she was surprised out of her skin. She hurriedly gained her composure and turned off the music.

"How can I help you?" Her voice had that womanly touch to it.

If I request her directly to give me the list of people who have opted to change sim cards in the past four days wouldn't be sensible, she would just discard my request under the pretext of protecting privacy. But, what will happen if I.. .

"Uh, one of my friends has left their phone here in your care. I am here to recollect it." I said.

It is rather a gamble, but if she has any phones with her or if anyone has already done the modifications before then I can try to get hints on who they were.

"Young man, stop playing around. Since the start of this trip not a single student has entered this room for repair."

She was clearly annoyed by my lie, but it looked like she was more displeased by the interruption in her music. On the bright side now I can rest assured that no one has even thought about changing sim cards in the first place.

"I am sorry." With those words I left the room.

Now the next step is to confirm the phone numbers of Sonoda Masashi and Shiina Hiyori. I am sure that the details Kanzaki gave are correct, but the details Hirata will obtain might be rather questionable.

I took out my phone and started texting Manabe. Recently I have gotten a good hold over her thanks to the sacrifice of Karuizawa.

I asked them to fish for the phone numbers of Sonoda and Shiina, while also posing a few conditions that would make their hunt significantly harder and didn't leave any room for mistakes. I told Manabe how the phone might've been changed to operate with that in mind.

You know what will happen if you fail at your task. I added.

If I was in Ryuuen's place then I would prepare and easily catch prey to quench the thirst of hunters and successfully hide the real target. Whether Ryuuen had thought the same or not was another matter.

The probability that Class C didn't actually have the VIP wasn't off the table either, however right now it was most probable and the rate at which Ichinose and Horikita are progressing they will soon decide the end of this.

Within a few minutes Manabe texted back. It was a phone number followed by another text.

This is the phone number of the Sonoda guy, as for Shiina we can't find it anywhere at all.

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