Case study and Afterword (:)

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When the last chapter dropped in I had a lot of questions in comments which I thought should be publicly answered, you can skip it if you understood everything alright. Let's start with the result first. 

Here I have written which class gained and lost in each group.

Rat: Outcome #3. The traitor answered correctly. C (-A)

Cow: Outcome #4. The traitor answered incorrectly. (-A)  B

Dragon: Outcome #3. The traitor answered correctly. D (-C) 

Snake: Outcome 3. #The traitor answered correctly. C (-A)

Sheep: Outcome 3. #The traitor answered correctly C (-B)

Monkey: Outcome #3. The traitor answered correctly. D (-C)

Rooster: Outcome #3. The traitor answered correctly. B (-A)

Pig: Outcome 3. #The traitor answered correctly. C (-B)

So the class name in bracket has lost 50 points in each group and the one outside bracket have gained. Now if you look at it Class D has gained 100 points due to Kouenji and Ayanokouji and thankfully haven't lost any. 

As for Class A, they have lost 200 points. 

First by answering wrong traitor of cow group. 

Second their VIP of rooster group got caught by Class B.  and rest of the 2 VIP of Class A were reported by Ryuuem. 

For Class B, Kanzaki gained a 100 points from Class A in those two meetings. Now since out of three one VIP was already guessed wrong by Class A, Ryuuen can only report remaining two which cost Class B the 100 points they gained thus they had no gain. 

As for Class C, they gained 200 points by beating Class A and B in 4 groups but Class D beat Class C twice so they only the final score was 100. Hope that clears up the points distribution.

Class A: Minus 200 cl;

Class B: No change cl;

Class C: Plus 100 cl;

Class D: Plus 100 cl;

Now for why Kanzaki is in Class A now. It is understandable that some people are salty that Arisu was beaten by Kanzaki cuz that doesn't makes sense, now please remember the fact the Arisu wasn't on this trip literally. Everyone from her faction were just following her one order to sabotage Katsuragi. Not that they needed to do that when Ryuuen and Kanzaki are already teaming against him and Ayanokouji is also firing stray bullets in his direction during the island.

In this story if you go back to some early volume like 1 then you will find that the Class B and A didn't have a huge gap like in real LN. The gap was gradually closed and now Katsuragi is like proved failure as a leader to Class A, so Arisu can easily take the reigns now. 

Now there is one last thing I would like to answer for myself, that is why I didn't include sim card swap in all this? 

Cuz if I did that then finding the VIP would become impossible if one completely changes the phone. And well Ichinose was op in Vol 4 to actually deduce the VIP after that, which I am not sure I could write so hope you enjoyed the ending we have now. 

Do you still have any doubts or questions? Feel free to ask in commend section I will answer them. 


*observes silence* 

So you are actually reading this. 

Old rant; I was busy with family and college and wasn't able to write and all. 

But well it is what it is, I am glad you sticked around to see how this  volume went by. The next volume will be a rather swift one, since it will be Volume 3.5 

I know not everyone enjoys the .5 volumes, but the story of 3.5 will be brand new and of course it will take significantly less time to complete since it isn't that complex but still enjoyable. So I wish you all give it a read as well once I start updating. 

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