Chapter - 9 (White Room report)

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Chapter- 9 (White Room report)

My footsteps echoed as I made my way through the white corridors, approaching a white gate. Seldom in my life have I cooperated with others; today is one of those days.

The automatic gates opened up without making a sound. A team of medical scholars awaited me in that room. To the world, they were better known by the term 'doctor', but here it wasn't a hospital.

"This will be your final practical exam for cardiothoracic surgery. You will join this team as an assistant of the head leading them," the instructor said.

"The team will be performing open heart surgeries for the coming sixty days. As you know already, the success rate of open heart surgery on physically weaker or patients with other defects is drastically low. The goal here is to guarantee a hundred percent success rate for those kinds of surgeries."

An impossible goal to common sense. However, in the face of the objective this facility plans to achieve, this goal would still look achievable.

"What will be the disease that we will be treating?" I asked once he was done.

"It will be majorly atrial septal defect and ventricular septal defect. In layman terms, you will be treating hole-in-heart."

"How many test subjects do I have access to?"

"At the moment, we have around a hundred of them, their age ranging from ten months to twenty years. You will be provided new subjects when the existing ones are confirmed to be deceased"

"What is the mode value of their age?"

"Twelve years."

I see, same age as mine.

"Very well."

The instructor who was blocking my vision moved out of my way. Nine individuals stood there wearing white coats and white pants.

"Nice to meet you, I am Mimuro Midori." I shook hands with her.

"I will be leading our team for the coming days. I am not allowed to ask your details so we will just address you as assistant for now."

The lady was in her mid thirties. Compared to the other men standing in the room, she was relatively younger. I can sense the envy in their eyes.

Done with the pleasantries, we moved to the operating theatre.

The body needs a certain level of body fat to undergo puberty. If you lack that, then your puberty will be delayed naturally. Many Olympic athletes who prepare from a young age suffer delayed puberty due to low fat percentage.

In order to avoid that, our physical training has been dialed down in terms of intensity and total time. Thus, ensuring us to gain the amount of fat needed. This test is a time consuming process. It is the time saved from that area that will be utilized here by me.

My every move was being inspected by the instructor who was marking me. This test isn't about achieving the goal we set out for, but the marks depend on the skills I display and the progress I make to medical science within the coming sixty days.

"Our first patient was here," Midori announced.

It was a boy. The nurse standing beside me received the details about the boy. Once she was done reading, she passed it onto others.

Without wasting any time the anesthesiologists started questioning the boy about his medical history. If he has smoked? Or used any drugs?

Once the information was extracted the anesthesia was prepared for him. Soon Midori took the lead, and started by performing a chest incision to access the heart.

I prepared the heart lung bypass machine as she prepared the cardioplegia to stop the subject's heart.

Once that was done, the surgery began. The boy was a feeble one. He was from a rural area of Zimbabwe. The nutrition he received there would never nourish him to the point where he can undergo an open heart surgery safely.

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