Chapter- 15

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Chapter- 15 (Ayanokouji)

I returned to the ship one morning of the sixth day, Chabashira-sensei wore a thin smile on spotting me. Perhaps she was content that I had obeyed her orders to help Class D rise.

I walked past her without saying a word, she was not someone I would find worthy of my time. Soon, she will regret using me more than anything in her life.

Once the doctor examined me, he prescribed me a little bedrest and some nutritious food. I skipped the bedrest and went to the luxury restaurant for food.

There I found a familiar character, it was Kouenji Rokusuke. He shot me a sharp look, flashing his white tooth at me. It made me uncomfortable, since he was taking much more interest in me than usual. But fortunately, that was the end of it, he averted his attention back to his food.

After a fulfilling meal the drowsiness kicked in from all the fatigue that had piled up last week. I went back towards the room I had been assigned when we got onboard.

The Class A students were also roaming around the ship, they did not look that depressed to me. Perhaps they did enjoy the luxury of the ship enough to such extent that they forgot about their comrades grinding on the deserted island.

I slept for the next 13 hours like a dead corpse, once I was awake the hunger was back. I ate another round of the five star meal Speranza offered, my recovery was nearly complete. This had been a bumpy ride.

The next morning I sat in my room, where the television was broadcasting the result. Numerous drones captured the scene with various angles so it was easy to see what was happening.

Mashima-sensei's voice sounded through the megaphone.

"Now, we will announce the rankings. The lowest class is Class A, with zero points."

So Class B and Class C did form an alliance after all to crush Class A and Class D. I can already see Class A students circling Katsuragi, hounding him for an explanation.

"Next in third place is Class B with 79 points. Coming second place is Class C with 189 points."

A commotion broke out, such unexpected results rankings and total points took the crowd by surprise. Not only was the gap between second and third place gigantic, but it also meant that our Class was at first place with even more points.

"And then Class D.. ."

After a small pause Mashima-sensei continued.

" .. . has come in first with 271 points. This concludes the announcement."

All of the students, save Hirata, were surprised. Although he was in the know, still he was wearing a cheerful smile. Even Horikita and Ichinose were unaware of the reason behind the sudden increase in points.

Class D students yelled so loud in sync that it was audible till my room, I would have gone to welcome them. But since I am supposed to be ill, I went to the theatre instead.

The play was related to Greek mythology, it portrayed the life of the mischievous Greek God Hermes. All in all it was fun to watch, but my phone kept ringing all the time.

After an hour the play ended, students had probably simmered down by now. As expected Ichinose and Horikita came to the theatre shortly after I stood up to leave. They had called me countless times during the play but I had not received their call anyways.

"Ayanokouji-kun where have you been?!" Ichinose asked. While Horikita stood there silently, fortunately she had kept quiet about my involvement at the end of the day.

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