Chapter- 20 Redemption

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Chapter- 20 Redemption

Ichinose's POV:

After leaving Kushida it took me a while to get myself together. I ran back to the nurse's office. I had left Horikita alone with Ryuuen. From my experience back on the cruise ship, it is nightmarish to handle him alone.

By the time I reached, she was exiting the office.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"For now, yes. How did things go on your end?" She inquired.

"I have asked Kushida-san to cooperate with me for now, she will do her best to eliminate the notion of me being a traitor."

"So you will not expose her?"

"No, I don't plan to do that." Horikita stayed silent for a few moments then spoke again.

"She is a valuable asset to the class, I agree with your approach." Shock must be apparent on my face, for Horikita to acknowledge the abilities of others in a direct manner.

"Did Ryuuen do something to you?" To my question she smiled slightly and said.

"No, it's time for me to grow up and understand others." Ryuuen definitely did something to her .. . .

No, she has actually changed, I can feel it.

"That. . .that's a pleasant surprise."

"What are you going to do now?"

"I am going back to the class, with Kushida-san's help I can convince them that I am not the traitor." On hearing my words she nodded slightly in approval.

"What will you do?" I asked her.

"I am going to get Sudou back." She said without a hint of hesitation. Respecting her decision I nodded back.

"Be fast, or I will have to come searching for you guys." On that note the discussion ended and we parted ways.

This festival has taught us a lot.


I returned to the tent, ready to face my classmates and end their confusion.

On returning I saw the next recommended event of Chase tag had begun. Spectators were excited, apparently the match was intense.

I kept my distance and waited for the event to end. Somewhere in the middle I heard my classmates cheer for Koenji.

Koenji? Is he participating?

The crowd applauded, it seems like the match has ended.

"Ichinose-san?" Shinohara was the first one to notice me. Everyone stopped celebrating when they saw me, Mii chan made her way through the crowd and approached me.

"Honami-chan! We are winning! How did you make Koenji play for us?!" Mii chan looked confused but happy.

I made him play? I tilted my head trying to understand the situation.

"Hirata-kun told us that you were the one who convinced Koenji." Shinohara added.

A few of my friends clustered around me but the rest of them kept their distance and gave me a skeptical look.

"Everyone. .." Kushida broke the silence.

"I think we have been caught up in a big misunderstanding," She took another pause and continued.

"I don't think Ichinose-san is a traitor, till now she has been working hard for the class since the beginning of the year. Now she even persuaded Koenji for the class.. . .I think all of us were confused and we put the blame on Ichinose." Kushida said, there wasn't any hesitation in her voice since she was speaking the truth.

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