Chapter- 9 (Incoming adversaries) (Rival strategies -1)

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Chapter- 9 (Incoming adversaries) (Rival strategies -1)

(Author's note: This chapter is about the various strategies the rival classes are following.)

Kanzaki's POV

While students were enjoying the cruise named Speranza, we were asked to enjoy the 'significant scenery'. As I expected, even though the island appeared to be deserted it still had some human made pathway in it. As we circled around the island I spotted a small cove inlet down a cliff, apparently the inlet was not natural. Humans had tampered with it.

Once the shape of the special test became clearer I chose the cove inlet to be our base camp, but we improvised soon enough on finding the well as our base camp which happened to be on the path leading to the inlet.

I appointed Chihiro Shiranami as our leader, she is a shy girl and opens up to only selected people. Most of the classes won't even know her name. I asked everyone to refer to her as Yume Kobashi, an alias would not only keep the identity of the leader safe but also misguide the classes to a 50 point penalty.

"Now that the leader is decided, Yume I would like you to accompany me to a spot right away. Claiming it will provide us a boost in points."

We secured the cove inlet with ease, so the school had tinkered the island to make it mildly habitable for us.

On ascending the manually installed ladder I found a student waiting for me, he was Kaneda Satoru from Class C.

"Kanzaki, Ryuuen-san extends an offer to take down Class A and crush Class D together."

Hmm, what is that serpent scheming now?

"Why should I not crush Class C and take down Class A alone?"

"Because you can't take down Class A far to dream about crushing our Class. But Ryuuen-san did predict you might say something like this, he has asked you to meet him near the waterfall at the dusk of the second day if you want to crush Class A for good."

With that, the spectacled fox turned his back and started heading towards his camp hidden in the array of dark trees, I racked my brain, calculating the power both our Class combined will hold.

"Kaneda, where is this waterfall you speak of?"

"Your base is in that direction right?"

He pointed his index finger towards the direction of our base with a sly smile, I nodded slightly to concur with him.

"Very well, move North-West from there you will find it after a short walk."

"Let's see what your boss brings to the table."


I visited the waterfall that day just to see if it might be a spot as well, although if it had been the case then Class C would have already. But apparently it was not a spot after all as I did not spot a device to claim the rights of exclusive possession.

(Author's note: Okay so I am going to skip to day 2 dusk for now, do not worry I will cover it from Ichinose's perspective as well)

Next day when I reached there it seemed as calm as usual, the sunset had painted the whole island orange. While I waited for Ryuuen there, some voices reached my ear from the direction of the waterfall.

Wait, that sounds like girls giggling, were nymphs real after all? On zeroing upon the waterfall covertly I discovered there was a cave hidden behind the crashing water, so the forest folk tales were not made up at the end of the day. At the other side of this waterfall a different world awaits me.

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