Chapter- 15 Shifting gears 2. A loud whisper

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Chapter- 15 Shifting gears 2. A loud whisper

Once the Obstacle course race ended, I went back towards the dormitory. It will take them a little time to get done with the rest of the races.

It has all been going according to plan till now, I have won all the individual events myself, this time I didn't try to even hide that there is a traitor in Class D. Once their confusion reaches the brim I will go ahead and coin the fate of Ichinose Honami.

However, there is one thing that has been bothering me since the 100m dash began.

"Tch." Unconsciously I made the sound. I strolled further to find Kinoshita waiting for me behind the dormitory building.

She gave me an irritating smile, why does she keep forgetting that I don't like people smiling around me?

"G-Good afternoon Ryuuen-san-" I kicked her leg and she toppled before she could complete the sentence.

"You know what you have to do right?"

"Yes." She said, showing her ugly smile.


I stomped down with all my might.


What was that? I looked around to find the source of the moan I just heard.

"~Ah~" I looked at Kinoshita, she was still smiling.

No, she needs to look mentally disturbed and frightened or else the school might see through her act. It is a pleasant surprise, after all I had some bottled up frustration within me after all.


"~Nyaa~" The hell?




"~Ouch~" This girl is twisted in a wrong way. Each time I stomped down she made an intoxicated expression. If I keep doing this I will break her shin before fear strikes her.

I crouched down, grabbing her collar and I brought her face near mine.

"Know this, if the school finds out about this. Then forget about the private points deal." I said looking directly into her eyes.

She snapped back to reality and fear dawned upon her. Good. I lifted her tracksuit a little to check her injury.

"This should do it." I muttered.

I pulled her up by her collar and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. We walked to the nurse's office in haste.

"Scream like you are dying." I whispered in her ear as we entered the nurse's office.

"AArgh! My leg!"

"Get help." We both walked into the office and I threw her on a bed nearby.

"Aaauchh . ." I guess she is feeling the pain this time.

A nurse approached her to fix things up.

"What happened to you?" She asked her.

"I. . ," She started speaking but then I glared at her.

"Aargh, help please me get. . ." Nice. That sounds disoriented.

"She is frightened, it seems like she has a severe injury in her shin." Breaking different bones since childhood, I picked up the names of a few.

"It seems like she has suffered a hairline fracture in the shin."

"Uh, ok."

"No it isn't okay, how did it happen? You will have to write a report on it, young man."

"Sure." I said, trying to suppress my smile.

It took me a few minutes but I made up a cool story.

"There, done."

"So someone ran into her huh."

"Yes, Kinoshita is a star player of our class. This is an attempt to give her a career ending injury so that it sabotages our class."

"Oh, my. How cruel, you should report it to the school."

"I will very soon."

With that I ended the discussion and left the office. 200m dash followed the same pattern like before, I had easily bagged the first place but still there was a mess.

Returning to the tent of my class I took my seat, Albert stood behind it like a loyal dog.

After resting for a few minutes I went to the Class D's tent. It was going to be fun.

On entering I found the whole class silent, Hirata sat down on a folding chair holding his head.

"Yo, Hirata. Did Sudo leave to take a dump or what?"

".............." He stood up but didn't answer me. My eyes roved around the room, it seems like Sudou and Ichinose are also missing.

"Why the long face, is the party over already?"

Horikita wasn't around, she must be feeling utterly defeated. On a usual day she would bite back a dog who barked at her. But today wasn't a usual day in her life.

"I must say, you have outsmarted us this time, Ryuuen. But before the next exam I will find the traitor and then we will fight on equal terms."

"What, a traitor?"

"Don't act dumb, I know you have our participation table. But now I won't let it repeat again." He made a ghastly expression. I would've disregarded his words but they seemed to carry some weight behind them.

"I didn't know you were capable of making such a cute face."

"Look forward to our next match, Ryuuen."

"Kukuku, very well."

Our discussion ended there. Kushida should be done with her part by now. On entering the nurse's office I found Class D homeroom teacher, Sae Chabashira sitting near the bed of Kinoshita. She was talking to the nurse I met earlier.

"You should take measures accordingly." By the time I came the discussion had ended.

A school official backing up the claim would make a better impression on the teacher than me narrating the incident. Kushida stood beside them.

"I am sorry to hear about Kinoshita." Chabashira said to me, she didn't sound sorry in the least.

"I want Horikita here, if she isn't here soon then I will have to report her to the school now."

"I will do that, please wait a little."

"I am going out for a little once, in ten minutes I will be back. She better be here by then."

I went out of the nurse's office and took a small stroll, imagining the face Horikita will make when she submits to me.

But. . . the thought crossed my mind again and uneasiness hit me.

When I obtained the participation table I had put Kaneda and other unathletic morons in Sudou's group, at the same time I put my best people against chimps from Class D.

However, Sudou's group was changed in all the races. This Akito guy was there and he collected the points instead of Sudou, while Sudou was transferred to the group which had the fastest student from my class.

This was a very small change, anyone who didn't know the participation table thoroughly won't notice it. Kushida checked the roster once again on the last day but it was still the same.

If there is someone who changed it again without my noticing then they could've saved most of the individuals that I targeted from Class D, however it didn't seem like they did it.

It was a big threat but at the same time it's actual magnitude was nearly zero, it felt as if they did it to make me aware of their existence by making a loud whisper. 

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