Chapter- 11

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Chapter- 11

(Ayanokouji's POV continuation from when he was invited to the meeting with Hirata, Ichinose and Horikita)

We all met on the second deck which is located below ground, Hirata was already waiting for us there. Our eyes met once but he averted them quickly, apparently he was still calculating my inclusion in all this.

"So what did you want to talk about, Hirata-kun?" Ichinose broke the silence.

After a brief moment of silence Hirata took a deep breath and spoke.

"For the past two days one of our classmates has been bullied by some students of Class C, I am at a loss on how to tackle the situation since both the parties have their actions justified."

What he said took us by surprise, could this be related to the fight he had with Karuizawa last night? Perhaps one of her friends is getting bullied.

This floor is usually low on students when exams aren't going on, so tactically it was a good place to discuss something sensitive.

"Explain the situation in detail please, or we won't be able to help."

Horikita pressed Hirata for more information. Hirata did look unsure but Horikita was also correct, we can't help him if we don't know details of the problem. Trying to go into the situation without information would be similar to walking in dark.

"Karuizawa-san and a Class C student namely Rika Morofuji had a dispute in the school premises. From what I have heard and deduced Morofuji-san is a rather meek person and Karuizawa-san is at fault here. Since Karuizawa-san hadn't apologized to her, other Class C students led by Shiho Manabe have been bullying Karuizawa-san for the past two days to make her submit to them and ultimately apologize to Morofuji-san."

Hirata recited the series of events without flinching an eyebrow. So the person who was being bullied was Karuizawa herself, to think some mere students would be able to bully a class leader such as Karuizawa is something odd.

"Then why isn't she just apologizing to them and ending this?" Horikita asked after a pause she took to analyze all this.

"I have been requesting her to do the same but she refuses to do so."

"Then there is nothing we can do in this unless they start getting violent."

"Last night they actually did get violent." Hirata revealed another part of the problem.

Ichinose was silently waiting for the situation to unfold, Horikita was trying to brush off this matter but as Hirata explained more it was getting more serious than any of us thought.

"I would've tried to handle this situation myself, but there was a sudden development which I can't handle alone. That is why I asked your help on this matter." Hirata added

"Sudden development?" I asked Hirata who had clearly forgotten I was also present here.

"Yes. Today morning she was asked to come alone to the lowest deck of the ship, additionally commanded not to tell anyone about this but she told me secretly so please don't tell anyone about this."

We all nodded in agreement, Hirata took a small pause and continued.

"Since it was messaged to her from an anonymous account, I don't know of their identity. But I think it might be related to the Class C incident."

Indeed, a place on the ship without cameras and witnesses would make a place similar to the special building of the school. It is one of the best places to get violent and yet get away with it.

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