Chapter- 18 Shifting gears 5 Missing piece

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Chapter- 18 Shifting gears 5 Missing piece

Koenji's POV (like it or hate it) (but third person narration)

[A/n: This guy doesn't have a soliloquy either.. . .so third person narration]

With the strawberry girl out of the way Koenji focused himself on the only existence that mattered in this world.

But it didn't seem like his peace was long lived, when he heard another pair of footsteps approaching his royal cottage.


"Having a bad day huh?" It was Miyabi Nagumo. Koenji had heard his name a lot from the second year.

"As you can see, that is the case." Koenji didn't face him, he just glanced over Nagumo in the mirror.

"You aren't fooling anyone, I assume you know that much. You know there are girls from all the years waiting for you outside to show your performance, but you decide to hide here?" Nagumo knew about Koenji already, and as he expected, making him budge wasn't an easy task.

"Their expectations don't concern me, suit yourself."

"I have heard rumours about you." Nagumo dropped the act of flattery and decided to threaten Koenji.

"I have heard rumours about me as well."

"You can play the fool, but this school system isn't lenient for students with an attitude resembling yours's."

"Oh, my. How ironic I find this place extremely comfortable."

"I don't have time to waste on you, so I will get straight to the point. I know how you are planning to collect 20 million points in order to reach Class A."

Koenji wasn't expecting these words from the student named Miyabi Nagumo. He kept down his mirror and turned to Nagumo.

"Go ahead."

"After graduation, the school system encashment reduces the value of the private points. However, you have successfully convinced your seniors to sell you those points for double the price."

"Keep going."

"This isn't an illegal method to collect points, but you do understand that once the Student council president gets a whiff of this he will instantly cut off your supply?"

"Are you here just to tell me that?"

"No, I am not against students exploring their abilities and using them to their fullest. So if you plan to cooperate with me for one event I would make sure that Horikita Manabu doesn't catch your tail."

The offer made by Nagumo sounded decent, all Koenji had to do was participate in one event and it would fortify his method further in future.

On top of that, having the cooperation of Miyabi Nagumo would also help him establish connections with the second years willing to strike the same deal with him.

"I have to participate in one event right?"

"Actively participate to be precise."

"I am sorry but I must decline the offer." One hearing Koenji's words, Nagumo felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

The deal did sound decent on surface, but in actuality Nagumo keeping his word wasn't a likely prospect. In order to make sure that Nagumo kept his word, they must have a memorandum.

But would Nagumo sign a memorandum which highlights that in future he will hide information from the student council president?

Would he sign something that was against the morale of the school?

Of course not, this deal was never going to be carried out by Nagumo in the first place and Koenji had seen through his lies.

Nagumo realized that despite his appearances Koenji wasn't a fool, he doubted if any first year would face him with such resistance in the first place.

"It is hard to judge from your appearance that you have logical thinking abilities."

"Fufufu, you are referring to the striking beauty of my existence are you not?" That was the time Nagumo understood he was going to have a perpetual confusion regarding this man.

"Perhaps you understand your own language." It was his last resort and Nagumo didn't want to use it, but there wasn't any loss in it anyways.

He took out his phone from his pocket and switched on its screen.

"The school doesn't allow phones or papers during this festival. But I have both of them."


"Whichever year it may be, you won't find anyone with points even near me." Nagumo said, turning his screen towards Koenji.

"Very amusing." Koenji said, looking at the screen.

"None of the second years know the true number of points I have, but the proposal I have will benefit you far more than this mundane knowledge."


"On the last day before my graduation, I will transfer all my private points to you, in exchange for double its worth money. As a symbol of our trust I expect you to cooperate with me in this next event actively." Nagumo said.

"Only one event right?"


The amount of points Nagumo held was an extravagant feast, with that deal set on stone it would be the path of least effort to Class A.

However, what if Nagumo transferred all these private points to his classmates and such on the last day?

Money was the only friend he was going to have once he graduated. Koenji had a hold of Nagumo's moral fiber, there was no doubt that he would choose money over his comrades. Even if not operating at any extreme Nagumo can save up an ample amount for both the cases.

Unless you are a lost cause your private points get stacked over the years, given the amount of points Nagumo had already, it was a worthy investment to make considering the future aspects.

After all, all he had to do was to participate in one event.

As for Nagumo this deal was nothing to lose, if the deal works out then he would've gotten the best possible graduation from ANHS history.

However, even in the off chance Koenji is expelled or if Koenji plans to use this information against Nagumo, he would never be able to profit as much as he could if he just sticks to the deal since the information wasn't that sensitive in the first place.

After a few moments of silence Koenji spoke up.

"Time is money, let's sign the deal. The next event starts in a few minutes."

After a few moments they were done. Koenji walked out of the cottage and Nagumo followed him out, as the two unusual duo approached Class D students gave them bewildered looks.

"Hirata boy, sign me up for the Chase tag event. I shall give you a taste of my physical excellence."

"Huh?" It was a pleasant surprise for Hirata but he wasn't ready to accept it yet.

"Make the replacements quickly, Hirata," Nagumo spoke from behind Koenji.


"Ichinose Honami has convinced him to participate actively for this one event, if you delay and time slot closes her efforts will be wasted." Nagumo added.

Hirata didn't question it any further and moved towards Chabashira Sensei.

Will Koenji actually help us, or will he just withdraw again?

How did Ichinose even convince him to join?

A current of relief ran through him when the thought of Ichinose not being the traitor crossed his mind.

Once the preparations were done Koenji took his position in the arena representing the first player (evader) of Class D.

His opponent (chaser) from Class C was none other than their leader Ryuuen Kakeru.

Koenji recalled his face to be part of the dragon group.

"Be my guest, Dragon boy." He said, spreading his arms.

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