Omega verse - Prologue

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Clay is a werewolf from Florida, not a lot of people knew about his powers. Well no one did, except for his family. 

Clay knew he wanted to work with people, growing up, but on the other hand it was hard for a werewolf to have a normal job, because it's easy to slip up and out themselves. His mom was a writer, writing stories from the comfort of her own home. His dad was the pack's mom, he didn't have a job, he was kinda a full time parent. Clay's older sister used to be a journalist, before marrying and starting her own family and pack. While his two younger siblings still were in school. 

Now onto Clay, or should we say Dream? He was a youtuber, yes you read that right. Dream, the Minecraft youtuber. Currently in a call with his tree best friends, Sapnap, Badboyhalo and George. Now they were the reason he was able to do what he loved. 

"Okay! I'm actually tired of this!" Bad yelled in the call, having a tone of jokiness in his voice. 

Dream had no idea what they were talking about, he doze off at some point, probably because tomorrow would be a full moon and although he had control, it took a lot of power not to lose it. 

"I'm gonna buy George and Sapnap plane tickets so we all can meet up soon." Dream heard Bad typing, assuming he was on the way to look for plane tickets. 

"Bad stop for a second." Dream said, sounding tired of this. It was the third time this week Bad had mentioned wanting to meet up. "Let me buy the tickets, muffin head." The call went silent after the words left Dream's mouth. 

"What?" Sapnap was the first to speak up. 

"Let me buy the plane tickets." Dream started typing, going to a website and look first for George's ticket. "Can you all check your calendars for dates we can do it?" 

The call was still silent, no one clicking their mice. Dream was waiting for some one to speak up, as he checked free seats. 

"Okay..." George said after a good 10 seconds of silence. The three other people in the call starting clicking and typing. 

"I was thinking some time in April, the weather will be okay, but not unbearable and there won't be a lot of families, because of school and work." Dream said, checking 

"We can celebrate Bad's birthday together!" Sapnap exclaimed, remembering his birthday. "The second of April." 

"Yeah, I don't have any other plans for my birthday." Bad said, knowing that would be the next question. 

"Sure, I have something I have to do the 28 of March, but after that I'm free." Dream lied, it was actually a full moon the 28th of march, but he couldn't really tell them. "George?" 

"Are you guys sure?" George asked, he hadn't said a lot during the conversation and seemed a bit hesitant. 

"Yeah, we are doing it." Sapnap stated, ready to finally meet his friends. 

"Okay.. Well, I can whenever. Maybe the 31st? Just with the jet lag, I probably just want to sleep the day I arrive." George said, still sounding unsure. 

Dream started smiling like crazy. A part of him was still scared that one of them might find out, but nothing was going to take his happiness away right now. 

"Great." Dream ordered the plane ticket for George and went on to Sapnap. Ordering one for the same day. "Done.." He said, he didn't even notice he had been holding his breath, until he exhaled and felt relieved. 

That night none of them stopped smiling, each of them calling their closest family to tell them the great news. 

"Hey mom.." Dream said in a tone that told his mother he had done something she wouldn't be too excited about. 

"Clay..?" She asked, starting to feel a bit nervous. 

"You know I love you, right?" Clay asked, trying to soften her reaction. 

"I know hun. Just tell me." She didn't sound commanding, more worried than anything, so Clay decided to tell her. Rip off the bandaid, he had applied himself. 

"So.. You know Bad, Sapnap and George... Well Bad wanted to meet up, so I kinda just bought George and Sapnap plane tickets... We are gonna meet up the 29th of March.." Clay just said the most important stuff, he didn't really feel like going into detail too much. 

Clay heard his mom inhale, preparing to get yelled at by your mom was enough, but her also being an alpha werwolf, made it all 10 times worse. 

"As long as you are really careful, I don't see a problem." Clay listened for her heartbeat, it was a bit fast, but not to the point where she was lying or mad. 

"Really?" Clay asked, not fully believing what he was hearing. 

"Really. Clay you are an adult, you can make your own choices. Plus, someone has to take over someday, right?" His mom's voice was completely calm. 

"Wait.." Clay had never heard his mom talk about stepping down as alpha or the possibility that something might happen to her one day. "Are you saying what I think you are saying?" Clay asked, not really believing it. 

"Clay, you are the oldest left. If you don't find another pack to join, I think you would make a great alpha." His mom said, again really calm, while Clay was freaking out. "But, you also know I don't have a say in it." 

"I know. Actually I have been thinking about doing alpha training? Like the whole pack, we never know who it will be.." Clay said, being an alpha didn't really speak to him. Sure he liked being in control, but being an alpha was a big responsibility, that took training to master. 

"I have thought the same.." His mom admitted. "Okay, Clay I have to go finish dinner. I love you, be careful." 

"I love you too, mom. Tell the rest I said hi! Bye!" Clay's mom hung up. 

Clay exhaled, elated this time. His mom was okay with it, the choice he made was an okay one...

As long as he didn't screw it up. 

If you wanna read more, then I made a new book called 'Half Dream, half...?' go check it out. If there is something you wanna know, or I didn't make clear, then tell me.. 

Okay, bye luvs❤️

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