Just gays being gays (ft. Karlnap)

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(Re-opload, because someone said Karl was uncomfy with being sexualized, but I found out he isn't. This was a long time ago so most of you haven't read it.) 

Warning: Mention of sex, not described in detail but talked about.

Bondage. One of George's kinks, Dream was crazy about it too, mostly because George liked it so much, but he also looked fucking hot while being tied to a bed, knowing Dream was the only person his boyfriend trusted so much. 

As Dream undid the ropes around George's neck and wrists he saw the marks. Immediately apologizing for being too rough or hurting him. 

"Omg! Baby, I'm so sorry, if I knew they would leave marks I wouldn't have done it!" Dream panicked, massaging the marks on the brunette's wrists. 

"Shh.. It's okay. I knew they would leave marks." George brought his boyfriend's hands to his face and placed kisses on them, making the blonde calm down immediately. "I liked it." 

"Promise?" Dream still seemed hesitant and looked like he wanted the ropes to apologize for hurting his George. 

"I promise." The smaller's cheeks were stained with dry tears from overstimulation only moments prior. 

Dream started kissing the marks, not thinking it would get better, really not thinking about it at all. It was more just to be sweet and loving towards his boyfriend. 

"Shit!" George whispered under his breath, Dream shot his eyes up thinking he hurt George. "Karl and Sapnap are coming over tomorrow." 

"Well can you cover it up?" Dream asked concerned, no way he would let them know their kinks. 

"I don't know, I'll have to wear a hoodie or a turtle neck or something." 

The next day George did just that. Wore a high necked t-shirt and one of Dream's hoodies to cover the wrist burns. There was no way they would notice. Right? 


Dream started kissing George, after the smaller said he had to start cooking. Slowly making his way down to George's neck, remembering before pulling the shirt away. 

"You had to cook." Dream said, almost instinctively. The other couple looked at each other weird as if they didn't understand what was going on between the two. 

"I'll help!" Karl broke the silence, getting up from his seat and walking into the kitchen instead. George followed soon after, seeing Karl washing his hands. 

"Ello." George teased, grabbing the stuff he needed from the fridge. "Thank you for wanting to help, it's impossible to cook all that food alone." 

"I can imagine." Karl looked back at the two who were watching a football game, while drying his hands off. While Karl was looking away George rolled up his sleeves to wash his hands, pulling them down immediately after. "What are we cooking?" Karl asked. 

"Dream and Sap wanted burgers. Why the Texan again?" Karl and George started laughing softly. 

"Says the one who chose the Floridan." 


Cooking burgers didn't take a lot of time, they only needed to prepare the vegetables, fry the patties and heat the buns up. Pretty easy stuff, shouldn't be a problem to keep the marks hidden. 

While Karl cut the salad, George began frying the burgers. The first ones went great, but the second time he got some of the butter on his hand, it flipping burned. Instinctively he went to the sink, pouring cold water on it and Karl saw. Saw the burns. The rope burns! 

"Kinky.." He commented, laughing softly. 

"Don't even." 

"Hey." Karl whispered, pulling his own sleeve up and rubbing some water on his wrist a bit, before revealing a mark just as big as his own, a little more faded. "I can help you cover it up if you want." George nodded softly. 

"Thank you." 

"After dinner?" 

The two finished cooking while laughing and hearing their boyfriends cheering every now and then. When dinner was done the four of them ate, George still not sure if he should share, but Karl knew, so why not just get rid of the big hot hoodie. 

"George!" Dream said concerned and firm. 

"Aww- My little Gogy has a BDSM kink!-" Sapnap laughed, Karl elbowing his side. 

"Acting like you don't have one too.." Karl teased back. The four of them started laughing. "Here, I'll show you now." The two of them were done eating, Karl grabbed his vaseline and concealer from his jacket, before coming back, sitting on his knees on the floor and putting some of the vaseline on, holding George's hand as still as possible." 

"Really thank you. We have to go home to Dream's parents tomorrow and I don't wanna explain that to any of them." Dream placed his head on George's shoulder in order to see what Karl was doing to his wrists. 

"Kisses help." Karl held George's hand that wasn't covered in vaseline up to Dream, who placed small kisses on them. 

"I knew the kisses helped." He said proud, his boyfriend giggling slightly at the confidence in his voice. 

"I wanna help too." Sapnap pouted, sitting beside his own boyfriend. 

"Not with kisses I hope." Karl warned, Sapnap nodded. 

"Yes with kisses." He started kissing Karl's wrists, making them laugh. 

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