Abusive (ex-)boyfriend pt. 3 (smut)

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George was going to move in with Clay, since nothing was holding him back. Both of the boys were excited, but George couldn't help the nervousness that he was feeling.

Clay and George were sitting in the back of a cap on their way to the airport, holding hands and playing with each others fingers.

"I can't wait for you to meet my family." Clay said to George.

"Me neither-" George dragged out, completely content with life. George shot his head up realizing something. "We need to tell our fans!" The taxi driver looked confused, but didn't ask.

"I know... Let's figure that out when we get home." George liked the way Clay said home, not my home, just home. George leaned in and reached up, giving Clay a sweet kiss on the lips.

"I love you." George said, making Clay a bit flustered.

"I love you too." Clay was confused. "Why did you just kiss me?" He asked, smiling.

"When we get home-" George said smiling big, Clay realized and started blushing.

"Our home." He said, making sure George knew.

The rest of the ride was quiet, only a bit of talking every now and then. George didn't bring a lot, since most of his stuff was too big and would get shipped in a week's time.

When they reached the airport they saw their flight was on time. They waited for 15 minutes and boarded. George was sleeping for most of the flight, cuddled into Clay's shoulder. Clay woke George up 30 minutes before landing.

"George-" He whispered in the sleepy boy's ear. George didn't respond and just buried his head deeper in Clay's shoulder. Clay started caressing George's cheek, "George- You have to wake up." Clay whispered again. George reacted to this opened his eyes, looking at Clay, smiling. "Were are landing soon.." Clay whispered, making George wake up from the excitement.

"Really?!" George, exclaimed happy, but quiet seeing as there were other people on the plane. George grabbed Clay's hand, bouncing it up and down. Clay chuckled a bit at the sight. "Sorry I just can't wait to start over with you..."

"Do you even know how cute you are right now?" Clay asked, actually wondering if George did this on purpose. George blushed at Clay's comment and started playing with his fingers.

"Clay?" George asked, whispering and looking deep in Clay's eyes.

"Yeah..." Clay answered, holding eye contact.

"When we get home, I wanna try something..." George didn't give Clay a lot to work with, but he knew that when George was involved it would be good.

"Okay..." Clay was curios, and wanted to know more about it. "Do you have any hints?" George got really close to Clay's ear and whispered.

"I hope your bedroom is clean..." George knew he was giving a lot away, but he couldn't help it. He knew he wanted Clay and could only hope Clay wanted him back. Clay leaned down to kiss George passionately, trying to slide his tongue in George's mouth. "You have to wait for that." George said, really just wanting to do it now, but they were on a plane, with people.

"You are really a mood killer." Clay said, harsh. Not like Brandon had done before, but in a way George knew he was kidding. Clay texted his mom, and told her they were tired after the flight and would probably just go to bed. Completely lying to her. George wanted to comment on it, but knew the look on his face said it all. "It has been a long time, okay?" Clay said, trying to defend himself.

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