Christmas Break

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I have decided that this story is WAAAAYY too long for just one chapter. The first part is a bit of an introduction to the story and George arrives in Florida.

The next part will be Christmas and the days following.

The last part will be the New Years party, with everyone joining.

Okay so, we don't really know a lot about Dreams family. I know he has a younger brother, an older sister and a younger sister. But we don't know anything about them, so this is just me guessing what they want for presents and stuff about them.

Dream POV

It was that time of the year again. Just before Christmas, the 14th of December to be exact. Christmas has always been one of my favorite holidays. Since George just moved out, he didn't have anyone to spend Christmas with so I decided to ask him. I were going to spend Christmas with my parents, but the more the merrier.

"Mom would it be okay for George to join us for Christmas this year?" I asked. My family met George last time he visited me, during summer. Of course they loved him. Everyone loves George. How could you not love him?

"Oh yeah, George can join us. But why can't he celebrate Christmas with his family?"

"Well George's parents have never been big on Christmas, and since he is an only child, and doesn't speak to the rest of his family he would rather be with someone else." It was actually pretty sad when thinking about it, but he is used to it so I guess it is okay.

"Well he is welcome anytime" My dad chimed in.

*Time skip to that evening, when Dream and George were on a call*

"Dream what are you doing for Christmas?" I really like when it is just George and I on a call.

"Well I am spending it with my family. My parents, my sisters and my brother..." There was a pause. I know George will probably spend Christmas alone. It kinda makes me sad. Christmas is the one time where you are supposed to be with the people that loves you. "Actually I talked to my parents earlier about you coming over for Christmas... If you want to. If you say yes I will pay for your plane ticket."

"I really don't want to intrude."

"No, no. I want you here. George my family loves you. I have already bought a present for you, it would be a lot easier if you were here."

"If that is what you want, and what your family wants, then sure." I could tell he wasn't 100% sure about this, but he also knew I were going to get it my way. No matter what.

"So I was thinking maybe you could arrive the 20th and stay till the 4th of January, if you don't have any New Years plans."

"Yeah that sounds good. Is New Years going to be with you family as well? Or do you spend that with friends?"

"It depends, sometimes with my family, and sometimes with friends. I was thinking about inviting some of our Youtube friends over?"

"Yes! That sounds like a good idea! That would be so much fun!" I could hear George jumping around in his chair.

"Okay that's the plan then. I will buy the tickets now." I was so exited. George and I had only seen each other once before, and that was this summer. It is going to be nice to spend Christmas with him. Of course it would be even harder for me to act like I didn't have the biggest crush on him when I could see his beautiful smile every day. Or every time those big hazel eyes landed on me. Or when I could hear every little giggle he made. This was going to be some good, but though two weeks.

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