Saturdays are for the boy(friend)

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I'll be honest, I am too lazy to spell-check this. 

Just a lazy Saturday morning, the two boyfriends had nothing to do. Nothing except each ot- Wasn't this supposed to be a cute cuddly story? Urgh.. Fine They had nothing to do, until their plans at 1 pm. 

Dream woke up first, in a bed with 4 others, his little family. There was George, his boyfriend, sleeping softly with Patches and Cat on his lap and Dog at their feet. Dog lifted her head, hearing Dream sitting himself up. 

"Wanna go outside?" Dream whispered as Dog jumped down, Dream following behind her to their backyard, where he let her out. 

10am the clock on their wall showed. Dream thought about cooking breakfast, wanting to surprise George with it in bed. He decided on pancakes, today was a special day after all. 

Before beginning to cook, Dream let Dog in, their two cats waking up too, just to fall asleep on the couch. While the pancakes were cooking he cut some fruit, wanting to be a Pinterest couple just for a little while. It didn't turn out as great as he thought, the pieces just wouldn't work with him, but they tasted good nonetheless. 

Dream placed the tray with food on George's bedside table, going to lay down next to George again. The blonde cuddled into the smaller's back, blowing air on his neck, while nuzzling his head in it. 

"Hmm.." George hummed in a sleepy tone, telling Dream he was kinda awake but not enough to say words. 

"George-" Dream whispered against the other's ear, nibbling slightly on it, when George didn't say anything or move, he went onto his neck, biting small marks on it. "Georgie-" George still didn't move. "My love?" Dream kept kissing his boyfriend's neck and the top of his back. 

"Hm?" George turned around to face his boyfriend, while opening his eyes. 

"Good morning my love-" Dream teased, he hadn't used that nickname before, which made Dream curious about why he reacted to it. 

"Love? What are you a middle aged English woman?" George cuddled into Dream's chest, while Dream drew small circles and doodles on George's back. 

"You reacted to that." Dream teased back. 

"It sounds nice coming from you.." Sleepy George never had a filter, which was how Dream first found out George was bi. 

"My love, Georgie vorgie-" Dream kissed the top of his boyfriend's head, while hugging him close. 

"Stahp! You are disgusting. I don't want your kisses." George started squirming, but couldn't get far, due to Dream being stronger. 

"Just let it happen my love-" George relaxed on the other's chest, after a few seconds of brutal kissing, the taller stopped kissing him, making George look up at his face. 

"My turn." George pinned Dream down, quickly getting on top of him and kissing his face all over. Dream laid there, not complaining one bit about George showing affection towards him. When George was done kissing his boyfriend he placed one last kiss on his lips and let go of his hands, straddling his boyfriend's waist. 

"I made breakfast for us." Dream said, playing with the smaller's hips. George turned his head, seeing the tray placed on the bedside table. 

"You did." George said playfully. "Thank you Babe" George placed a light kiss on Dream's forehead, before getting off him. 

While the two ate, they looked at their phones, just like every time the woke up, although they usually ate in the dining room. 

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