Just a little lingerie

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This might be my favorite in this book. I hope you guys like it just as much.

When George woke up to a bed without his boyfriend in it, it always felt a bit empty. He rolled over, so he was facing his bedside table, picking his phone up from the table, that only held that and a lamp. George saw the small note sticking to the screen, reading it as he got used to the light in his room. 

Morning Georgie <3

I am at my parents' place. My mom needed help with getting their new couch inside. 

I'll be home by lunch, I promise. 

Love you <3

George smiled at the note, realizing he had their house to himself. He took the note away from his phone, seeing the time showed 10:16. He got an idea, as he got out of bed. 

George didn't like hiding things from his boyfriend, especially things that made him happy. But there was one thing, he knew he couldn't tell Clay. George really liked wearing lingerie. Something about it just felt so good. He found himself hot in it, and he didn't want Clay's opinion change that. For now George would just keep it to himself, just to make sure there wouldn't be any teasing from his top. 

George walked to their shared closet, moving some of the hangers to the side, reaching down to the little crevice in the back of it. When George first moved in he had seen it, he soon realized that the box he had could fit in it, easily being covered, but also easy to get out again. 

Every time he touched the box, his fingers would get a tingly feeling in them, which quickly spread to the rest of his body. George figured it was just the adrenaline from the slight nerves he would get. Scared that someone would catch him, but then again, it was kinda part of the thrill. 

The box was black, with a dark gray flower pattern on it. It looked pretty fancy, but in reality didn't cost a lot. George had probably spend around 100 dollars total on lingerie, he didn't want Clay to get suspicious, about spending huge amounts on stuff he couldn't tell. He placed the box on their queen sized bed. He smiled to himself, as he ripped the velcro apart, flipping the lid up and looking down at the fake silk in it. 

George took his phone, finding one of his chill and romantic playlists. The music wasn't there for him to get in the mood, but more to drown out the silence that often entered, when he was left with his own thoughts. 

George took his time untying his sweatpants, before slowly pulling them down. Touching his upper body along the lines that had started to form on his stomach, from working out. George was happy he had started going to the gym when he moved in with Clay, not because he needed to look better, but because he needed to get healthier. George let his hand fall to his side, admiring the progress especially visible there. Before his upper body had been without a form, it had just been straight lines, no curving at his hips. The curves were one of the first transformation to his body. Clay also really seemed to love George's new body, not that he didn't love his old body. But there was just something about George being healthy and having just the slightest outline and the beginning of abs forming on him. 

George looked around at the stuff inside the box, not sure what he wanted to see himself in first. As a rule of thumb, George would do this around once every other week, leaving enough time for a physical change, but not too much to look completely different. George slid down his boxers, picking out some cute, light pink panties, with a small, fluffy, white heart on the butt. George quickly covered his bottom half up again, feeling a bit cold, but also just wanting to put on some of the lingerie. George turned his body in the mirror, as he glided his hands on the silky material. He led one of his hands to the heart one his butt, as he turned a bit more so he could see it. Feeling the fur between his fingers gave him more confidence. 

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