Wanna taste?

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George had gone to visit Dream and Sapnap, staying with them for a month. Sapnap was sleeping in his room because he and Punz had stayed up all night playing valorant. George were playing Minecraft in his room, as Dream was waiting for their food to arrive. (You didn't think they would cook, did you?) 

George heard the doorbell, saved his game and went downstairs to Dream, who was getting the food out of the bag. 

"What do you wanna drink?" Dream asked, making his way to the fridge, as George went over there as well. 

"I'll just take a coke." George answered, Dream got George's coke and a rootbeer for himself. "Should we wake Sapnap up?" George asked, not sure if Sapnap mentioned anything. 

"Nah, he told me just to let him sleep, since he has a valorant tournament tonight." Dream answered, sitting down next to George. The two started eating, making smalltalk while doing so. 

"It's still weird to actually be here.." George stated, looking around at the house. 

"But good weird, right?" Dream asked. 

"Yeah, good weird." George laughed, Dream laughing as well. 

"Oh. You said you haven't had root beer before, wanna taste? It's good." Dream asked, picking the can up again. 

"Yeah, sure." George answered. Dream took the can up to his lips. At first George just thought he was taking a sip, but he kept drinking, chugging the whole thing. "Didn't you just ask if I wanted-" 

George was caught off by Dream's lips on his own. The taste of the root beer still in Dream's mouth. George kept his lips there, so did Dream. The kiss lasted for about half a minute, of the two of them just smiling, George putting his hand under Dream's chin, Dream putting his on George's cheek. 

"It's good.." George stated, as he pulled away, smiling at Dream. 

"Mhm. That's what I was saying." Dream said proudly. 

"I don't think we are talking about the same thing.. I meant the kiss was good." George teased, Dream catching on. 

"I'm getting a new can, this time try to taste it." Dream got up, grabbing another can of root beer, taking a big drink before kissing George again. This time George let his tongue in Dream's mouth, Dream pulled away, looking confused. 

"What? I taste with my tongue.." George stated, rolling his eyes. He pulled Dream in by his shirt collar, letting his tongue in again, this time Dream fought back, their tongues colliding. George pulled away, looking satisfied. 

"Yeah, it does taste good." George stated, his face inches from Dream's. 

"The root beer or the kiss?" Dream asked, teasingly. 

"Both~" George teased back. 

"You probably understand that I like you now?" Dream asked, unsure. 

"Mhm~" George smirked, wanting Dream to continue. 

"So.. Do you wanna taste anything else~?" Dream asked, George letting out a sigh. 

"I don't just walk around tasting things off of everyone~" George teased back. 

"You want me to ask?" Dream asked, the two practically tasting each others' breaths. 

"I do~" 

"D-do you wanna be my b-boyfriend?" Dream asked, no teasing in his voice. 

"I would like to be your boyfriend, Dream~" George smiled back, closing the gap between their lips once again. 

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