I shouldn't have

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Tw: Trauma tied to past domestic violence and short mentions of homophobia.

It can be something as simple as placing a hand on them. 

"I hate it! I hate my work place!" George walked through the front door to his home. 

"Had a bad day?" Dream walked up with Patches in his arms. 

Dream put Patches down, going in to hug George. George pushed Dream back a bit, not pushing hard, just enough to let him know not to hug him, then raised his other hand. Dream froze, being dragged back to her. He fell down on the floor, landing on his knees first, burying his face in his hands, tears falling down his cheeks. 

Dream could hear George's voice, but couldn't make out what he was saying, he couldn't even tie the voice to him. It just sounded so distant and unrecognizable, he knew the voice, but didn't know who it belonged to. 

"SHUT UP! I DIDN'T FUCKING CHEAT! EVEN IF I DID YOU SHOULD JUST BE ABLE TO PLEASE ME! It would be your fault!" Dream had been pushed to the floor, he felt numb as the girl kept hitting him. "YOUR FAULT! IT'S YOUR CHILD! YOU ARE THAT USELESS THAT YOU HAD TO MAKE ME PREGNANT!" 

"Dream. Dream, baby hey.. Yeah look at me." George was now sitting in front of him, he looked confused and scared. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to be rude.." Dream swung his arms around George, who hugged back. "I'm so sorry.." 

"Just hold me.." Dream whispered, his eyes stinging from the crying. The two sat on the floor at their front entrance, silently sobbing and holding each other. 

Their pets were confused to say the least, all three walked over, trying to understand what was happening. 

"I'm okay.." Dream reached out for dog, who was nudging his arm, petting her. George let go and looked at Dream. 

"Wanna talk about it?" George asked quietly. 

"I-I.. I was just brought back to my ex, she continued to hit me after the pregnancy test, telling me how useless I was." Dream had told George about it all, even before they got together, after all they were best friends before. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen.." George hugged the other again, now he was starting to cry, having the other to comfort him. 

"It's not your fault.. Even I didn't know that would bring me back." Dream chuckled lightly as a coping mechanism. 

"I still shouldn't have pushed you. I just had a bad day and didn't want you to feel the pain with me." George felt shitty for pushing Dream away, he would always share if he had a trash day, which was why Dream was going in for a hug. 

"Mhm.. Do you wanna talk about why it was a shitty day?" 

"Even if I don't you are gonna push for it right?" George pulled away from the hug, to look at Dream who had that smile on his face that made George weak, as he nodded. "Well.. Apparently Janette's cousin is gay and she wasn't happy about that. So I told her that if that's what her cousin is, she should either accept that or get out of her life. She didn't like that and started calling me names that I really don't wanna repeat." 

"Well, if it counts for anything, I love you more than anything else I have in my life." Dream stated proud. "And I know it probably doesn't count because I'm as gay as you are." George chuckled at Dream's statement. 

"I love you too. Do you wanna get up and go cuddle maybe?" Dream nodded enthusiastically. 

Just a short little chapter to try something different. I think I wanna get into more angsty stuff. But I also start crying like crazy every time I either think of ideas or read others write angst. 

Well, that was it for this chapter. 

I love all of you guys <3. 

You are valid <3

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