Abusive (ex-)boyfriend pt. 2

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A week later Clay was still in London 'living' with George, who had gotten all his stuff back from Brandon. Both the boys longing for each other, but neither of them ever admitting it. They had gone out to eat lunch at a local café. Clay had a realization as they were eating, only making small comments or jokes every once in a while. Clay never wanted to leave.

He wanted to stay with George forever. Seeing his smile every time he looked at George, enjoying it as if it was the last time he would ever see it again. Waking up next to him, neither of them talking for the first 5 minutes just enjoying the company in silence.

Clay's thoughts were cut off by a woman around his age talking. To George. Clay felt his stomach turn at the sight of someone flirting with George.

"So can I get your number?" She asked, Clay could see George get nervous as he looked around for an excuse. Clay reached out to grab George's hand, and George looked over at Clay.

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend." He said, looking relieved.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize." She said and walked away.

Both boys felt butterflies in their stomachs as they sat and inspected each others eyes. Clay was still holding George's hand, George tightened his grip on Clay's hand to let Clay know he was still holding it. Neither boys letting go.

"Thank you." George said breaking the silence. "For everything." Clay smiled sweetly at George.

"Don't thank me, you would have done the same." Clay moved his thumb over George's knuckles. "Can I stay here?" Clay asked out of nowhere.

"What?!" George asked, confused at Clay's words.

"I wanna stay with you. I don't think I could go back home without you." At that moment all George wanted to do was grab Clay's face and kiss him. But he couldn't seem to move.

"You can't stay here with me..." George answered, knowing Clay could never move in with him. "You have your family back home."

"Then you can go back to Florida with me!" Clay said excited.

"What? You are kidding, right?" George asked, he didn't wanna get his hopes up at Clay's words.

"No. George I want you with me. Please George." George couldn't say no to the eyes Clay was making at him. George chuckled at the thought.

"Sure." He said, laughing at Clay. Clay's face lit up as George agreed to his proposal.

Clay let go of George's hand and walked up to hug him. Clay didn't care about the weird looks they were getting from the other people around them.

When they were done eating Clay and George went home to George's apartment. Clay kept replaying what happened at the restaurant. He took George's hand and he didn't let go. George agreed to move in with him. Clay couldn't be happier than he was.

Clay felt George's breathing getting faster as they walked beside each other. He looked around to see what was startling him. That is when he saw him.

"I can't breathe-..." George said, stopping Clay. Clay stooped right in front of George, looking in his eyes.

"Yes you can. Just follow my breathing." Clay took deep and over the top breaths, to make sure George saw them. "George I am right here. He is not going to hurt you." Clay reached out for George's hands, but George pulled his hands to himself. Which broke Clay's heart.

Clay saw George's eyes flying around the streets, not focusing on anything, but hyperaware of what was going on. Clay placed a hand under George's chin, not in a hurry. Clay got George to look at his eyes. He placed a kiss on George's forehead. "I am not leaving." George seemed to calm down at Clay's words. "Never." He whispered, holding eye contact with George.

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