🎶When I start drinking🎶 I cuddle with the homies

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So, this is not a Dreamnotfound oheshot. It's a Dream Team being amazing friends oneshot. I hope you guys are still gonna read, it's a pretty short story, but do whatever you want <3

"Why did I agree to take you three muffin heads home?" Bad asked, driving a drunk Dream, George and Sapnap home. 

"Because we love you are you are like our dad~" Sapnap said from the front seat, smiling brightly at Bad. 

"I love George~" Dream said, leaning closer to George, his expression a mix between flirty and tired. 

"I love George too~" George teased, smiling at Dream, who groaned from the response. 

"Well, we are home now." Bad said, opening his door, to take Dream out. 

"HEY! I was trying to get laid here!" Dream complained, Sapnap chuckling, as he was the least drunk of the three, even though it was his 21st birthday and that was the whole reason they went out. 

"I'll help George then." Sapnap said, stumbling a bit, but not as much as the two others. 

"Alright, I'll leave you three. Remember to call if you need anything." Bad said, opening the door, Sapnap in his room, probably asleep, Dream on the couch, trying to get George to move closer to him. 

"Okay dad!" Dream answered happily, not even realizing what he said before George pointed it out after Bad left, Bad locking the door behind him, knowing they would forget it. 

"YOU JUST SAID DAD!" George laughed, Dream getting up to walk to his own room. Halfway there he forgot where he was going and went to Sapnap's room instead, seeing him on his phone, not asleep yet. 

"Thought you were going to bed.?" Dream teased, sitting down on the bed. 

"I am, just in a second." Sapnap had changed into joggers and a clean hoodie, seeing as he didn't wanna fall asleep in jeans. 

"Welp, I just wanted to say goodnight." Dream stated, trying to get up, but instead (intentionally?) falling down on the bed again, laying beside Sapnap. 

"Hi." Sapnap joked, laughing. 

"Urrgh!~" Dream complained, leaning his head back, to lay on Sapnap's stomach. "Can I sleep here?" Dream asked, looking at Sapnap with the cutest puppy eyes he could do in this state. 

"Sure, why not?" Sapnap rolled his eyes, as Dream rolled so he was laying more comfortable with a blanket over him. 

"I gotta say how much I love you, as a friend. You are the best, you know that?" Dream stated, poking Sapnap's face. 

"Okay, I love drunk Dream." Sapnap chuckled, Dream laughing too. "I love you too dude." 

George opened the door, seeing his two friends in bed laughing and having fun. 

"Why are you two having fun without me?" He asked, acting mad. George joined them on the bed, landing with half his body on Dream, a fourth on Sapnap and the rest on the actual bed. 

"We were telling each other how much we love each other~" Dream stated. "If you are gonna sleep in here you have to say it too~" Dream was getting sleepy, just like George had as soon as he got in the bed. 

"I love you two~" George stated, slowly drifting off to sleep. Dream already asleep, most likely not able to remember it the next day. 

Sapnap chuckled at the two, before putting his phone away and turning the lamp on his bedside table off. Slowly falling asleep as well. 

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