Clays 21st pt. 2 Let the drinking begin

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⚠️TW: Drinking. 

I kind of changed the plot. I don't remember if I mentioned anything about a club in the previous chapter, but they aren't going. They are celebrating at Dreams house. 

12th of August (Dreams birthday)

Dream POV

I woke up to someone singing, George, I love his voice, it is a nice sound to wake up to. He was singing happy birthday. I could smell something delicious, did this guy really make breakfast for me? I opened my eyes to look around the room for him. There he was, and yes he did make breakfast for us. I sat up in my bed, and smiled at him, as he sung the end. 

"Happy birthday, Clay." He said and handed me a plate. There was a muffin and some eggs with bacon. I blew out the candle in the muffin and wished. It was a stupid wish, but I might as well try. I wish George would give me a chance. 

"Thanks." I said, scootched over and patted the spot besides me for him to sit down. I smiled at him as he sat down. 

"What do you wanna do today?" George asked curios. 

"Honestly, I don't really wanna do anything today. Can we just stay in and watch some movies or play some games today?" I asked. Yesterday I had showed George around town, so my legs were kinda sore. 

"That sounds like a good idea." George said after taking a bite. George looked at me, looking like he just realized something. "You have never watched Hamilton, right?" He said excited. 

"No?.." I said curios about what he was thinking. 

"We are going to watch it today, then!" He stated. George had watched it as soon as he got Disney+ and had been talking about it non stop ever since. 

"Sure." Was all I said. I had always wanted to watch it, but I never seemed to be able to start, George would be the perfect excuse to watch it. I connected my laptop to the TV in my room and started it. George looked excited. 

"Do you know all the lyrics?" I asked after realizing he knew the lyrics for the first 5 songs. George looked at me, looking a bit ashamed. 

"Sorry..." He said looking down, his cheeks were red from the embarrassment. 

"No, no! Keep singing! It sounds good. I like you voice." I could see the smile forming on his lips. He quickly wiped it off and looked back at the screen. He tried to not sing along, although I could hear his voice every once in a while. 

In the end I could feel the tears threatening to leave my eyes, I looked over at George who already had tears down his cheeks. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. 

"Sorry." He said sniffling a bit. 

"It's okay." I said, my voice breaking a bit. "It was really good." I added. 

"It really is." George said wiping the tears from his eyes. "I feel like such a crybaby. I always cry at movies." He said laughing. 

"It got me too." I said, with the tears escaping my eyes. We both laughed a bit, while wiping our eyes. 

"What was your favorite part?" George asked. 

"I am a sucker for love." I said looking him in the eyes. I could feel butterflies. "So probably Helpless." I added. George nodded. 

"I really like the end. There is just something about it." He said. 

I checked my phone, there was some Twitter and discord notifications. Sapnap had asked me if we wanted to play among us with him and a few others. 

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