WasTaken pack (Werewolf week)

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So I decided to do something for werewolf week. I got into Wattpad in the first place because of Teen wolf and started reading Sterek fanfics on here. I have never actually written something for Sterek so this is completely new territory.

For anyone who doesn't read supernatural fanfics and that stuff. Basically the alfa is the leader of the pack. The betas are all the others in the pack. To make this easier for you I am not using the omegas. 

I think that clears it all. Have fun reading. 

3rd person POV

Clay was a born werewolf. He had been a beta for his whole life, until recently, when his mother passed away and he became the new alfa of his pack. Clay had an older sister, but she wasn't apart of the WasTaken pack. Clays older sister had joined her husbands pack when they got married. That is how it works, the weakest in the relationship joins the strongest's pack. Clay being the strongest beta in his pack, he became the alfa after his mothers unexpected death. 

Now all Clay had to do was to find his mate. He had to find the pack their mother. Clay knew his mate was out there somewhere. He didn't know if his mate was human or werewolf, if his mate was a boy, a girl or anything in between. Clay was the most openly pansexual werewolf his pack had ever met, and they were all chill with it. After all he would be able to tell through their scent if they weren't. 

Let me introduce you to the WasTaken pack. 

Clay is the alfa of the pack. Being the alfa comes with a lot of responsibilities, something Clay had been taught by his mother. He is also the strongest and smartest one of the group. 

Nick, who is Clays best friend and the strongest beta of the pack. Clays mother had taken Nick in about a year ago, after the rest of his pack died to hunters on a full moon.

Drista, who is Clays younger sister, she is unbelievably strong for her age. The only problem is that she is the youngest and the only girl in the pack, which means that everyone, especially Clay, just wants to protect her. So no one really realizes how strong she is. 

Clays brother, Ethan who is almost as strong as Nick. Although he is one of the strongest in the pack, he is humble and down to earth. He contains his powers easily, until someone messes with his pack. 

Darryl his nickname is Bad, a newer and not so strong member, but what he don't have in combat he makes up for with his brain and his kindness. Darryl was turned by accident 1 month ago after a new alfa had bit him, the alfa wasn't ready to have a beta so he asked if Clays mother could take him and the pack said yes. Darryl isn't able to contain his powers, which makes for some hard training. 

Tommy who is a really strong beta, but he often let his emotions guide him. Tommy had been a part of the pack basically since he was born. His parents died just a year after he was born and because the packs were close Clays mother took him in. 

Tubbo was not a werewolf, but they all considered him pack. Tubbo is Tommy's best friend. Clays mother had planned on turning Tubbo when time was right, that was now Clays plan, but Clay wasn't ready to turn someone yet. 

The pack lives together in a big house, just outside a big city. Tubbo doesn't live with them, since he has his own family and they don't know about his friends being werewolves.  

31st of October (Full moon + halloween.)

The pack is always together on days with a full moon. The moon has a power over every werewolf, but some werewolf know how to overpower it. That wasn't Darryls case. It is only Darryls second full moon so he still has trouble with the moon. Clay trains every day with Darryl so he someday will be able to control his powers and urge to kill. 

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