What's with the pain?

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Tw: Homophobia, physical pain and quick mention of anxiety. 

When it first happened Dream was 10, it was a Saturday and he was eating lunch with his family. He felt a punch to his stomach, but no one had punched him. Dream immediately put his knees to his chest, still sitting on his chair, curled up in a ball. He was whimpering, crying because god damn, it hurt. 

That was when Dream got the soulmate talk. Everyone has at least one soulmate, some people have more and for some people they are platonic soulmates. Some people can feel a connection like the one Dream was having. Some could feel the other's physical pain, some got matching tattoos, some got a name or a date they would die. Some got nothing to work with. 

Dream got the physical pain of his soulmate. Which meant, his soulmate also could feel his pain. 

For a few months Dream didn't feel pain. Until it happened again. This time it was his face, then stomach, then his leg, his face again. It felt like someone was beating him, to the point he was coughing up blood. The 11 year old was laying on the school floor, crying and squirming. Teachers were trying to help him, but nothing worked. He just laid there for 15 minutes until it stopped. 

The pain kept coming back with a few months of space. A few times Dream was woken up in the middle of the night because of it. 

When Dream was 13 he started playing Minecraft, with people like him. People who had a connection to their soulmate, without knowing who they were. 

Sapnap had two timers, he wasn't really sure what they were, but the counters were pretty close to each other, both would happen when he would be 19. 

Antfrost had a name 'Velvet' on his wrist. 

Awesamdude had a compass, pointing in the direction of his soulmate. As soon as he turned 18, you better believe he was gonna chase it. 

Callahan had a timer like Sapnap, but his only had two months left. 

Bad had a quote saying 'Hello? Yo. Uhh yeah, I think so.. I've prepared for it and everything, so I think I'll do good.' 

Dream of course grew close to the five, who were like him. All opening up about their personal lives, occasionally someone would join their group, most of them would leave again after a few months. Until, he joined. 

One day George joined a call with Dream and the rest of his friends. Dream knew of George and knew they had some friends in common, but he was 3 years older than Dream and that was kinda intimidating. No way a 17 year old would be friends with him, a 14 year old. Ohh was Dream so very wrong. 

"Ello?" Dream heard a thick English accent. Wait, none of them had an English accent..

"Ohh hey George!" Bad exclaimed. "Uhh.. This is George, he's new to the staff. Be nice." 

"Hey George!" Ant exclaimed. "Does he have the soulmate connection too?" 

"Yep. I can feel their pain. They stay out of pain a lot actually." George exclaimed. 

"ME TOO!" Dream bounced in his chair. "She gets beaten every now and then I think.." Dream put his hands to his stomach. The pain from yesterday still there, but very faint. 

"She? You know her?" George asked, happy about meeting someone like him, but sad about hearing about the beating. Because he knew better than anyone that it sucked. 

"Well no.. It could be a boy I guess.." Dream questioned. His soulmate a boy..?

"Well. I invited George here to play bedwars, so let's do it!" Bad exclaimed ready to dominate the game. 

When George turned 18 he moved out. Still keeping contact with his online friends. George never said why he moved out at such a young age. He didn't have someone to move in with. He was just by himself in an apartment outside of London. In the meantime Callahan and Ant had met their soulmates. Both of them joining the group whenever they would talk. Dream also grew very close with George over the years they had known each other. 

(Sapnap is 19, Dream is 20 and George is 23 (first manhunt with Sapnap))

"NO!" Sapnap jokingly yelled, looking down at his wrist 12 days 16 hours 4 minutes and 37 seconds for the first number to hit zero. Dream ran after him, trying to kill the younger. 

"OHHH SAPNAP~!" Dream teased, having his iron axe out, ready to kill. 

"GET AWAY FROM MEEEEE!" Sapnap screamed. Not long after, the message came up on screen. 

Sapnap was slain by Dream

"Not fair.. I was looking at my timer.." Sapnap jokingly whined. 

"We have to start all over now.." George complained as well. Dream cheering, kicking his feet slightly at his desk. 

"OWW!" Dream accidentally kicked his wall. 

"Ow!" George repeated, feeling a pain in his foot. George froze. Dream also stopping all movement in game. 

"I stubbed my toe.." Dream stated. 

"I know.." George answered. 

"Oh my god.." Sapnap whispered under his breath. "I'll leave. Message me if there is anything." Sapnap left the call, leaving Dream and George alone. Dream stopped his recording, pinching himself. 

"Oww!" George whispered, his arms starting to hurt. 

"George?.." Dream asked. He must be lying... Right?

"Dream?.." George asked back. 

"You..?" Dream didn't know what to say or if he should ask anything. 

"I'm sorry for all the beatings.." George started tearing up, thinking back to all the times Dream had complained about stomach pains. "I'm sorry for not telling you.." 

"YOU KNEW?" Dream yelled, George flinching slightly at the yelling still haunting him. 

"I'm gay. And this could all be platonic and I'll respect it if it is.. But I really like you.." George stated, nervous about what reaction Dream would have. 

"I-I.. I like you too.." Dream whispered. "I'm pretty sure I love you.. But don't feel like you need to say it back!" 

George smiled, hearing Dream say he loves him was amazing. Sure Dream said it a lot, but that was when they were just friends, this was different. 

"If you don't mind me asking.. Why didn't you say anything?" Dream asked, fidgeting with his hands. 

"Uhh... I don't know.. I just thought it was platonic.." George answered. "Also.. I didn't want you to know about the pain.." 

"What was the pain about..?" Dream asked. 

"Uhh.. Well.. I'm gay and.." George's breathing got deeper and faster, feeling another anxiety attack beginning. 

"You don't have to explain." Dream's voice was soft and understanding, George felt tears slowly run down his face. "Can I come see you?" Dream asked, changing the subject, seeing as George was a bit uncomfortable with talking about his past. 

"How about I go visit you?" George knew Dream couldn't be away from his friends and family for as long as George wanted to stay with him. 

"I'd love that." 

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