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It started like one of those cliche movie pacts, where both boys agreed to get married if they weren't when Dream turned 22. Yeah 22 was still very young, but with the 2 and a half year age gap, they settled on that.

Obviously Sapnap felt a bit left out at one point. When the two older boys had made the pact, Sapnap had a girlfriend. That was the whole reason behind the it. They felt lonely, wanted someone to be with. But 6 months after the pact was made, Sapnap and his girlfriend broke up. Well, Sapnap's girlfriend dumped him, because he told her he was bi, which really shouldn't have been a problem, but apparently it was. 

The 4 years countdown began, soon turning to 3, then 2, 1. And now, well the day of Dream's birthday came and Dream threw a large party, after the pandemic had just died down. A birthday party with all his friends, with a little surprise only he and Sapnap knew about. 

At one point, Sapnap started gathering people in Dream's backyard, the sun setting in the distance, no one drunk, but some people a bit tipsy. It was all really overwhelming for Dream, he hadn't really planned to do something like this in front of 20+ people, but here he was, all because of a stupid pact he had made on his 18th birthday. 

Small talk was heard in the yard, before a song started playing. (Cue manhunt music DUDUDUDU.) Not just any song, the song, heatwaves, ironic Dream knew it was stupid, so he decided to make a joke out of it. 

Dream was standing in front of the sunset, making his way to George standing in the front of a crowd filled with people. Dream slowly extended his arm and let out a chuckle, as George took his hand. 

"George," Dream started, backing a bit, with George's hand in his. "four years ago, today, we made a pact. I was a stupid and lonely 18 year old. You were 20, but still just as stupid and lonely." The crowd filled with giggles and chuckles, before they quickly died down again. "We agreed to get married," Omg, this is so stupid. "nevertheless, there are no one here I would rather marry than you." Dream got down on one knee, looking away from George as he did so, he saw everyone having their phones out, smiling just as much as he himself was. He picked a small black box out of his back pocket, "So George," Dream opened the box, revealing an actual engagement ring, which seemed to surprise George, he just expected something stupid, like a ring pop or something. The ring was silver, he could tell even with his colorblindness, it had a blue line down the middle, taking up most of the ring, with only a tiny bit of the silver visible on the sides, in the middle was a lime green smiley face, no George couldn't see if it was green or yellow, but green made more sense. "will you marry me?" George, buried his face in his hands, feeling slightly embarrassed about the attention he was getting, but also taken aback by the sincerity in Dream's voice and speech. 

"Seems like we are still as stupid as we were back then." He gave a smile to Dream. "Yes, I will marry you Dream." Dream quickly stood up, cheers in the background and George in front of him, quickly pulling George in for a hug and lifting him, while spinning the two around. 

"Do you wanna try on the ring?" He whispered, when George was sat back down. George nodded and held his hand out,  Dream gladly taking it and sliding the ring on, before Sapnap walked up with a box for George. Opening the box, George saw a ring, same as Dream's, except it was a green line, with blue clout goggles in the middle. Dream then held his hand out, George sliding the ring on, both of them fitting perfect. 

George moved in with Dream after that, getting his visa was a hard process but it happened. Sapnap didn't mind that the two of them were happy without him, after Dream's birthday he and Karl made out in their hotel room, both of them being drunk, but not drunk enough to forget about it the next day. The two shortly after started dating and neither of them seemed to be able to be in a long distance relationship, so they moved in with each other, after 4 months of dating. 

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