First time giving head (smut)

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George and Dream had never been afraid to show affection towards each other, as long as it wasn't out in public, neither of them cared, they just did it naturally. Kissing, cuddling, holding hands for no apparent reason other than they could. Anything. Well, almost anything. The two hadn't had sex. That however, did bother Dream, not even a make out session, it was like, George was asexual or something..

They had been watching a movie, when the two leads started kissing. A sweet moment, which quickly turned into a sex scene on the screen. In Dream's bed, George had initiated a kiss, which quickly turned into more. Dream sliding his tongue into George's mouth, George fighting back. They pulled away for air, before clashing again, hands running over George's body, George's hands in Dream's hair. Both of them panting, the air in the room turning hot and humid.

Dream went to put George in his lap, the smaller seemed to freeze as Dream started unbuttoning his pants. Dream tried to get George going again with a kiss. George hesitantly kissed back, trying to act like nothing was wrong, but Dream could tell.

"Red." George said, after pulling away from Dream's lips. Dream quickly let go of George and put his hands up in-between them. "I'm sorry.."

"No.. I understand. It's our first time, you want it to be perfect." Tears started forming in George's eyes, before he got off Dream, quickly hiding his face in his hands. "Hey. It's okay George, I won't force you."

"It's-" George tried to wipe the tears away before speaking. "It's not that.." George leaned his head on Dream's chest, crying softly in it.

"It's okay baby. I'm not mad.. Take your time." Dream started rubbing circles on George's back, trying to calm him down.

"Your shirt is gonna be all wet now.." George looked up at Dream, who had a sad smile on his lips. "My ex.."

"Hey, no. Come here." Dream patted his lap, to get George to sit there again. "It's easier to hug if you sit here." Dream swung his arms around George when he sat down. George cried silently in Dream's arms, trying to gather the confidence to share his feelings.

"My ex, she- she used me. And I know that's not what you are doing." George smiled at Dream, who looked back, still with a sad smile. "But, I didn't think what she did was wrong. But, she would use me, my body.." Dream got what George meant, without having to say the word. "And.. I-I didn't think it was wrong, because 'I'm a man, my role is to make her happy.' Or whatever.."

"I know.. We don't have to do anything you don't wanna do.." Dream placed small kisses on George's neck and shoulder.

"I don't.." George cuddled closer into Dream's chest. "I mean, I do, just not right now.."

"I know. Do you wanna cuddle for a bit then?" George nodded, his head still in Dream's chest.

When George woke up the next morning, Dream was still in bed, holding him tight to his body. George placed a small kiss on Dream's neck, surprising the taller man.

"Good morning.." Dream said, releasing his grip on George slightly.

"Morning." George stretched his back, making his butt look amazing, if Dream had to comment on it. "Dream..?" George spoke quietly, almost insecure.

"Yeah?." George scooted back a bit, to look at Dream's face.

"Next time you are horny, can you please tell me?" Dream's face changed from a soft expression, to one of shock, with a slight blush on his cheeks.

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