Sweet dreams (lime)

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In this chapter lime is Dream grinding on George. It isn't smut since technically isn't sex. But if you don't wanna read that, then here's your warning. 


George woke up, someone was.. grinding on him? Yeah.. That's grinding. 

"Mhgn~" George saw it was Dream, currently whimpering in his sleep. 

George could tell Dream was hard, because well.. He could feel it against his leg. Dream's breaths got faster, was he getting close? George could feel the younger shaking, he is definitely close. I'll just let him finish, then grab something to clean up with after. At that thought, Dream came, George's leg now had a wet and sticky patch, Dream's boxers covered in the same liquid. 

"Dreamie?~" George whispered in the other's ear, surely his boxers would be very uncomfortable now. "Hey!~ Dream, wake up please?" George tried lightly shaking Dream, his whole body was wrapped around George. "Dream please, I can't get up.." Dream finally opened his eyes, quickly removing his body from George's, feeling the uncomfortable wetness of his pants. 

"I-I-" Dream pulled the duvet down, seeing his boxer, he then looked at George's leg, it looked a bit shiny and wet. "I did that?" 

"You did~" George teased, getting out of bed. Dream's face was now a crimson red color, feeling like he was gonna die from embarrassment. George grabbed the wet wipes from his bedside table, first wiping his own leg. "Do you wanna take a shower, or..?" George asked, seeing Dream lying still, fidgeting with his hands and avoiding eyes contact. 

"I'm gonna shower.. You can take the spare room, then I'll change the sheets when I come back." Dream got up as well, still not looking at George, who felt his heart shatter. 

"Baby please.." George grabbed Dream's hands as soon as he was about to pass George. "I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I said I wanted to move in. We are gonna get through everything together, a little cum wont change how I feel." George stated, Dream looking up at him, with tears in his eyes. 

"I feel embarrassed.." Dream complained, burying his face in George's neck, the other drawing circles on his back. 

"That's okay.." George just held Dream, neither wanting to let go. 

"I'm gonna go shower, if that's okay..?" Dream almost asked. George let him go, the two looking at each other for a few seconds, before George spoke up. 

"I love you. I'll change the sheets." George answered, ending his sentence with a kiss to Dream's nose. Dream's face flushed, he left the room, not looking back at George, who felt bad for his boyfriend. 

After George had changed the sheets he went into their bathroom, throwing the dirty sheets in the laundry basket. George removed his underwear and threw them in it as well, slowly stepping over to the shower. 

"Is there room for one more?.." George asked quietly. 

"Uhh.. Sure.." Dream was never one to get easily embarrassed or shy, he was the cocky one and George was not used to this. George stepped into the shower, Dream looking down at him offering a fake smile. 

"Hi handsome~" George smiled, Dream blushed again. Had George always been this hot?

"H-hi.." Dream bit his lip, water splashing over his head and down to his and George's bodies. 

"Dream.. It's fine. I don't care about what just happened, okay?" George spoke slowly, grabbing Dream's face in his hands. "I love you." 

"I love you too.. And I'm sorry for waking you up.." Dream answered back, leaning down to kiss George. George smiled, as he felt Dream relax a bit more. 

"Okay. I have a deal. If it ever happens again for either of us. We wake the other person up. I'm more than willing to be woken up like that and start riding you, if that's what you need." George had no idea where his confidence came from, maybe it was because he was in the shower with the handsomest, prettiest and most perfect person in the world. 

"Okay.. And I'll wake you up if you do something like that." Dream smiled back. 

The two boyfriends finished their shower together, before going back to bed. George cuddled up against Dream's body, their legs tangled together. 

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