Gays being gays pt.2

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So yes, I see Skeppy as the bottom in Skephalo, so what? Can't tell me the guy who had a breakdown over wanting milk and sand is a top.. Just can't.

The next week, Sapnap and Karl came over again, this time bringing Bad and Skeppy along, because why not?

While Dream, Sapnap and Bad was out, Karl and George wanted to ask Skeppy some things. The two didn't know a lot about Skeppy and Bad's relationship and they needed to know.

"So who is the top?" George asked as soon as they heard the door close.


"You heard him." Karl cut Skeppy off. "Who. Is. The. Top?"

"Well.. Bad is.. But I dominate from time to time."

"Ha! Told you!" Karl bragged. "Give me the $50" George got up, grabbing three bills from his wallet and handing them to Karl.

"You guys bet on our sex life?"

"Yeah..?" They both questioned.

"Gosh we really are friends!" The three laughed at Skeppy's statement.

10 minutes later the three had been laughing and talking about pretty much anything they could think of.

"I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." Skeppy got up and walked down the halls where he knew the bathroom was.

Skeppy opened his binder, knowing it wasn't healthy to keep on for that long. He had gotten his bottom surgery a few months ago and was currently saving up for top surgery too. Gosh why does that stuff have to be so expensive? No really, why? Author here, if I ever have the chance to change anything it would be that gender-reassignment surgery would be very cheap or free.

Skeppy did his stretches, while having the binder off. His chest honestly felt really sore, he knew he shouldn't be wearing it for more than a few hours at a time, but his body just didn't feel or look right. Maybe just say fuck it and take it off? After all Bad knows and he's okay with it, I mean, it would be kinda hard to hide something like that from your boyfriend.

Skeppy decided to say fuck it. Just walk out, binder in his hand to put it in his bag. The walk down the hall felt unbelievably long and stressful.

"Okay bu- SKEPPY HELP US SETTLE THIS!" Karl screamed playfully, seeing the other come down the hall.

"What?" Skeppy asked, fidgeting with the binder in his hands.

"Good to bind with an actual binder." Karl stated. "George said Vegemite is good! TELL HIM HE'S WRONG!"

"Wait.. You don't care?" Skeppy asked, not believing that the two were actually supportive, he wasn't really used to that.

"Wait.. You thought we would care?" George said getting up. "You realize we are all gay or bi right? We don't care that you were born in a body that doesn't fit you.." George held his hand out for Skeppy. "Now sit down, so I can give you a back massage."

Skeppy grabbed George's hand, Karl turned a chair around and Skeppy sat down on it. George began giving Skeppy a massage as the three continued to talk.

"Ohh yeah. George is completely wrong by the way." Skeppy stated, relaxing his head on his arms.

"Can I lift the shirt up to see something?" George asked, feeling marks on Skeppy's back from the binder pressing into his skin.


George lifted the shirt up, seeing the marks, a few of them had bled which made George groan in annoyance.

"SKEPPY! Get a binder that is the right size at least!" George complained, Karl getting up to look as well.

"YOU-!" Karl started, but couldn't finish his sentence. "You know how dangerous that is?!"

"Relax! It's chill. The tighter it is, the flatter my chest will be."

"And the more your ribs will get hurt!" George got out his phone, texting Dream to ask when they would be home. Dream answered they would be back in around 10-15 minutes. "When those three come home we are going to the mall to get you one that fits!"

So they waited for their boyfriends to come home. When they did, Bad immediately noticed Skeppy not wearing his binder.

"Did something happen? Did binding hurt you again?" Bad was by his side within second, taking over the massage George was giving.

"I'm fine.." Skeppy rolled his eyes at the pampering.

"YOU KNEW, BAD?" Karl yelled, letting out a groan in annoyance after.

"Okay that's it!" George grabbed Skeppy. "You are coming with me! Bad follow! Dream drive!" Sapnap and Dream just stood there, not completely sure what the big deal was.

"Well.. I'm doing what George says. We'll maybe be right back.?" Dream said confused, following George to the car too. "Where exactly are we going?" Dream asked, as he got in the car.

"To the mall. Skeppy's binder is too small.." George wanted to scream at Skeppy for wearing a binder too small, he was just so annoyed, but Skeppy didn't need that right now.

"I'm sorry.." Skeppy cuddled up into Bad's side, Bad running his hands through the other's hair.

"It's not your fault.. You have gone through a lot of shit, being in the wrong body." George seemed to calm down a bit more. He turned around to look at the other. "But you also need to know that having a binder in the wrong size can be very dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt.." Skeppy nodded, understandingly.

"Yeah. The moment George heard about my binding incident he flipped." Dream stated, like him being trans was something everyone knew.

"YOUR WHAT?" Bad yelled, starteling Skeppy a bit.

"Yeah. I told George because we were dating at the time and he got extremely worried. He told Sap to take care of me and make sure I was alright, since he couldn't go." Dream had only told George and his family, at the time, George told Sapnap, but Dream didn't want anyone else to know about him being trans.

"Sounds like a George thing to do." Skeppy chuckled, making Dream laugh as well, George not finding it funny and Bad was still in shock.

"Incident.. My a-butt. You passed out because your heart couldn't pump enough blood through your body." George was still annoyed about it. Dream could have seriously hurt himself.

"I'm sorry love~" Dream brought George's hand to his lips, placing a sweet kiss on it.

"You should be."

Skeppy found a binder in the correct size and bought it, the person selling it told him not to wear it for another week because of the marks and scars on his back.

"Sorry! Sorry we just left you guys!" George said, seeing Sapnap and Karl cuddling on the couch.

"It's okay. You had a good reason to leave." Karl turned seeing the four.

"Okay now since everyone but Karl knows, I am trans too." Dream stated, smiling proud.

"I wanna pay for Skeppy's top surgery." Dream said to George after the rest had left their house.

"Yeah?~" George smiled at his boyfriend, placing his hands at the other's hips.

"Yeah~" Dream placing his hands on George's hands, both of them enjoying the moment.

"I think we should too." George hugged the other, his hands now around his waist instead, Dream's hands around George's neck.

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