Yellow ribbons

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TW: Mentions of homophobia and the f-word surrounding it. 

Dream was sitting on the couch, doing who knows what on his phone, just waiting for his boyfriend to come home. When George did come home, he quickly took his shoes off, due to Florida weather he didn't need a jacket. George almost ran to his boyfriend on the couch, falling directly into his arms and letting out a sigh that told Dream it had been a long day. 

"Hi Pretty boy~" Dream coed in his boyfriend's ear, putting his phone to the side, in order to place his hands around George's waist. 

George just groaned in response, moving a bit further up to place his chin on his boyfriend's shoulder and burying his face in the taller's neck. 

"That bad, huh?" Dream moved his hands to rub circles on the smaller's back, trying to get him to relax. 

"It's my fucking dad. He texted me while I was at work, telling me it was urgent just to say, and I quote. 'Just wanted to check that the little fag-boy, that is unfortunately my son still needs me.'" 

George only kept his dad in his phone in case something were to happen to his sister. Because he loves his sister and she loves him just as much. She was currently at university, getting her degree to become a doctor. 

"I can't wait for her to move here~" Dream said, knowing what George was thinking of and kissing the top of the brunette's head.

George began silently crying into Dream's neck and shoulder, Dream not knowing at first, until he felt a wet patch on his shirt. 

"Hey, no~ Come here~" Dream pulled George to the middle of his chest, wrapping his arms around the smaller, the two of them just holding each other. 

"I wanna marry you.." George whispered, not looking up, just tears falling on the other's shirt. "Just change my name to yours. Your family is amazing, I wanna be able to call them my family too.." 

"George~" Dream coed, on the verge of tears himself, George could tell due to the tone of his voice. George shot his head up, looking to the blonde, who's chest he was still laying on. 

"Nononono. Don't cry~ That's gonna make me cry even more and then we won't stop.." George hugged Dream tighter. 

"No, George.. They are happy tears." Dream placed a kiss on the other's forehead, as tears were rolling down both their cheeks. "I wanna marry you too~" The two stayed in the moment for a bit, before Dream spoke again. "Like, truly.." Dream carefully got George off himself, George helping a bit, before Dream got down on one knee, next to the couch. "I don't have a ring or anything, but-" 

"YES!" George screamed, way too excited. 

"You have to let me finish the question." Dream chuckled, the other giggling sweetly as well. "Georgiepoo~ The love of my life, will you marry me?" 

"Yes, yes, yes, yes! A thousand times yes!" George swung his arms around Dream, both falling to the floor, almost hitting their heads on the coffee table. 

"Now, don't cry, handsome~" Dream teased, wiping some of the tears from George's face, George doing the same to Dream, before George pulled the taller in for a kiss. Just a sweet kiss, both smiling. 

"Can we find a ribbon or string?" George asked, looking at Dream, who looked confused. 


"Like, instead of a ring.." George stated, knowing they didn't need anything to symbolize their love, but they used to have bows, either in string or a silky ribbon on their finger when they did long-distance. 

"Oh my god... STOP BEING SO FUCKING ADORABLE!" Dream's eyes began filling with tears, as he grabbed the smaller's hand, pulling them both up to look for ribbon. 

"I love it, thank you~" Dream smiled at the bow George made on his left ring finger. George put his left hand forward, Dream placing a gently kiss on it, making George giggle, before he tied the yellow ribbon around George's finger. 

"I love you~" George coed, Dream smiling, his eyes remaining on the silky ribbon in front of him. 

"Is this too tight?" Dream looked to George for confirmation. 

"It's perfect, love~" George whispered as Dream let go of George's hand, Dream walking to stand between the boy's legs, as he was sitting on the counter. 

"Are we gonna get real rings at one point?" Dream asked, almost not caring about the rings. 

"Of course we are.. At one point." George smiled, before bending his head down and grabbing the other's lips in a kiss. 

George snaked his hands behind the taller's neck, Dream's holding George's waist. The two stayed in the kiss, smiling a lot, while just enjoying each others' company. 

"I wanna cuddle now." Dream stated, picking George up from the counter. Dream walked up the stairs and into their bedroom, plopping George down on the bed, before getting in beside him. 

"You know it's only like 4 pm right?" Dream placed his hand on George's waist, the two facing each other. 

"Have you ever said no to sleep before?" Dream teased, touching George's nose with his own. 

"Touché" George put his hand on Dream's chest, nuzzling his face into his neck and closed his eyes. Dream held George closer, putting their bodies flush against each other, as George was still in his work clothes and Dream in jeans and the t-shirt he had been wearing the whole day. 

"Actually don't sleep, we have to change first." Dream stated, as he rubbed circles on George's back. 

George groaned as an answer, knowing Dream was right. "Just stay for a minute?" George asked, not caring to move his head. 

"Of course." Dream pulled George a little closer, if that was possible. Both boys slowly drifting off to sleep anyway. 

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