I wish you were closer pt. 2

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⚠️This story contains a bit of fluff/lime stuff. I am not good at writing it so, don't be to mean about it.❤️⚠️

Dream POV

"So Clay, what do you do for a living?" Georges dad asked. He seemed genuinely interested in my life. That is nice. The way George talks about his parents made me kinda nervous. I know they love him, and he loves them, but sometimes his anxiety makes him think things that aren't real.

"I do Youtube, like George. We have done a lot of videos together ever since we first met."

"Oh yeah. George has said that, when we wanted to know how Youtube was going for him. Your channel name is Dream, right?"

"Yeah that's me." I said smiling. Wow George has told his parents about my channel. I mean yeah I take up a lot of his time, with my videos, but him talking about me, it feels nice.

"Yeah, he talks a lot about you. Only nice things," I could see the blush creeping up on Georges cheeks. As I started smiling at the thought of him talking about me.

"We should probably unpack, right Clay?" George said. Aww he is so cute when he gets nervous.

"Thats a good idea. I am kinda tired from that 7 hour flight."

We got up and walked upstairs with my luggage. As soon as the door to his room closed, I couldn't help myself.

"Aww you talk about me a lot." I said with what was probably the biggest and stupidest smirk on my face.

"Yeah.. Well you... You are my best friend... You know, I talk about Sapnap a lot as well." He was so nervous, that just made me smile even more.

"Right. Because I am you best friend. Not because you like me." I started walking closer to him, while I tried to sound seductive.

George POV

I squealed slightly when my back hit the wall of my bedroom. Trying to keep a bit distance between us. But Clay kept walking forward, until he stood right in front of me. You lips inches from touching. I could feel my heartbeat rise extremely.

"So if I kissed you right now, it would only be because I like you like a friend, and not because I am madly in love with you." He sounded so hot doing that voice.

Before I could even think of a reply his hands made their way to my waist, and he pulled my body to his. Our lips met again, this time it was more passionate. I snuck my hands up behind his neck to hold him. He traced my lips with his tongue, and I immediately let him in. Our tongues fighting for dominance in a hard and passionate kiss. He won. Of course. After a few rounds off fighting we both pulled away, needing air. 

"I don't know. Would it be okay if I kissed Sapnap like that?" I asked in a jokey tone.

"No! There is no way I am letting you kiss him like that." He said the first part harsh, but his voice got softer during the end of his sentence.

"Good, because there is no one except for you I would ever kiss like that." He started smiling. This is exactly what I had always wanted. Just us flirting with each other. No one else watching. No Sapnap in a call. No one recording. No stream... Wait what should we tell people? "Clay?..." My voice was quiet.

"Mhm." He answered still looking directly in my eyes, but now a small step away from me.

"Who should we tell about us? And should we even tell anyone yet?" I could see he was thinking about that question. It felt like he thought for a long time.

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