I didn't mean to do that..

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Short one for today. But I have another one shot I just need to look over before posting. 

Dream swore it was an accident. He really didn't mean to kiss George, his brain was just on autopilot and he often kissed his mom's cheek when he was leaving. 

"Alright. Love you. Bye." Dream said cheerfully, before placing a kiss on George's cheek. Dream didn't even realize what he did, before he was in the car. 

Inside George was frozen in place, touching his cheek and smiling a bit. His crush just kissed him. That doesn't just happen! George heard the door open, Dream sprinting inside. George took his hand away from his cheek, looking at a stressed Dream. 

"I'M SO SORRY! I promise I was on autopilot and didn't think and I didn't mean to do that!" Dream hurried out. 

"It's chill.. Don't worry about it." George smiled, trying his best to make it look realistic and Dream seemed to believe it. 

"Ohh okay.." Dream walked back out, stopping himself from walking towards his car. Instead he opened the door again, walking directly to George. "Actually, I'm not sorry." Dream walked faster, bringing George in for a proper kiss. Dream's hands resting on George's waist, George's hands behind Dream's neck. 

"Good, because I did mind you leaving." George whispered, smiling at Dream after pulling away. 

"I seriously have to go though.." Dream said, sounding broken as he pulled away from George. 

"Yeah. Go crush it like you always do." George said, sounding happier than Dream, but still sad he had to leave for a YouTube meeting. George placed a kiss on Dream's cheek, before Dream left, taking one last look at a smiling George before leaving. 

Inspiration from teen wolf. I used to be obsessed with this show and the kiss kinda just resurfaced. 



Take care <3

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