I wish you were closer

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This is set in the world we are currently in. Dream and George are both  Youtubers. George lives with his parents in London, and Dream lives in Florida in his own house. 

⚠️There will be mentions of anxiety. I don't know if it's that bad that I need to mention. But better safe than sorry⚠️

George POV

After the stream today, I am just going to go to sleep, and not talk to anyone, especially my parents. Sometimes they are just SO frustrating, who even decides to go to a fancy restaurant on a tuesday! I mean come on, they could at least have told me before going, but no, they just had to get out of the house and away from me as fast as possible! I always tell them before I start a recording or a stream, they could have told me then when I talked to them, but instead I got a text from them, an hour into the stream. They knew how those texts gave me anxiety, why do they keep sending them? 

Hey George. We are going out to eat, we will be home before 9 pm. 

Love you


Flashback to 13 year old George

It was almost the exact same text, except it was from my dad. He had said they were going to a friends house, who lived a 2 hour drive away. Yeah I was used to be left alone for an evening every once in a while, but there was just something off about that night. They had left at 4 pm and said they would be back before midnight. It was a Friday so I was pretty tired after school. Being an only child, I didn't have anyone to take care of me or anyone to take care of. I got home from school at 5:30 pm, after being at a friends house to do homework. He asked if I wanted to stay for the night, but I wanted to be home when they returned. I tried to stay awake as long as possible, but having had long day at school really didn't help that matter, or the nice warmth from my duvet that laid on my twin sized bed, while the fall leaves fell outside, causing the whether to be just a tad to chilly for my liking. As soon as I laid down in bed I fell asleep that night. I wish it still was that easy. When I woke up at around 6 am, my parents still weren't home, I checked my messages and nothing. I tried calling and texting both of them. As my worry kept rising I realized that I had gotten the number of the friends they were visiting. It rang twice before a lady called Maria picked up, she sounded nice and confused at the same time. I told her that my parents were visiting her yesterday. She got quiet as I tried to tell her everything I remembered, as I was done talking she said that my parents had left at 9 pm yesterday... I didn't catch much after that, other than her saying they told her they were going home. My anxiety kept wanting to haunt me after we hung up. Did something happen? Had there been an accident? Where were they right now? Did they just leave me? 

30 minutes later I got a call and picked up immediately after seeing the caller. 

"Dad! Where are you? Are you okay? What happened?" 

"Hey, calm down we are okay. We where drunk and didn't think it would be smart to drive home, so we decided to stay at a hotel. I tried calling and texting you, but there was apparently no reception."

I felt relived as my father talked, trying to calm me down. He knew I had anxiety, but it had never been that bad. 

"Okay..." I tried to convince myself that they would be home in no time and that everything was okay. Why couldn't I calm down?! This is so frustrating. 

I was only completely calm when they were home, and I could hug them again knowing they wouldn't just leave like that. 

I honestly have no idea what I did while they were driving home. I didn't do any homework, my mind just weren't there. Did I just stare out into nothing for 2 hours? Did I talk to them for 2 hours without realizing, no we hung up after 5 minutes of talking. 

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