Abusive boyfriend (kinda smut)

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TW: Self harm. Rape. And as the title says there is abuse in this story. If you don't feel like reading that then don't. (Neither Dream or George is the abuser.)

George and his boyfriend, Brandon had been together for 3 years, he had really helped George out of some bad times, including when his parents died in a car crash a year ago. Brandon used to be good at football, but he had gotten an injury he wouldn't be able to recover from and since he was there for George at his lowest, George thought he needed to be there for Brandon at his lowest. Don't get me wrong, George really wanted to end things with him. George knew it was a toxic relationship, in Brandon's eyes everything was George's fault. Brandons injury, George's fault. Brandons heavy drinking, George's fault. The fact that Brandon's parents didn't love him, George's fault. Everything wrong in Brandon's life was somehow connected to George being in it.

One day, George was recording a video with Dream and Sapnap. Brandon had his own apartment, but wanted to be with George, especially when he was talking to Dream and Sapnap. George had never introduced his friends to his boyfriend, but Brandon couldn't just let them talk without being there. In the middle of recording Brandon kissed George on the cheek. George didn't think anything of it and just smiled sweetly at him. Although George could smell the alcohol on his boyfriend he didn't do anything about it. When Brandon started feeling George's thigh he began to get tense. The two people on call didn't know George had a boyfriend, and he would like to keep it that way. But George knew, saying anything to Brandon would just result in an argument. When Brandon started unbuttoning his and George's pants he had to leave the call.

"Sorry, guys. I have to go real quick." He said and left the call.

Brandon happy that he got George's attention, pulled George up from his chair and shoved him on his bed. George felt numb, he couldn't do or say anything, and just let everything happen. He felt his pants getting pulled down.

"Brandon I was recording..." He said quiet, as to not anger the man on top of him.

"I don't care!" Brandon's voice wasn't seductive, just harsh and George knew to shut up.

⚠️Sexual abuse/rape warning⚠️

George knew that whatever was going to happen, standing up to Brandon would be a lot worse. George did exactly as Brandon said, leaving no room for arguing. When George was told to get on all four he did. When Brandon shoved himself in George, he could feel tears running down his face. It hurt. Everywhere Brandon touched him burned. Every time he thrusted he could feel pain everywhere. George tried zoning out, thinking of all the good memories they had together. Thinking of all the good things Brandon had done for him.

End of sexual abuse

When Brandon was done he left George's apartment. When George was sure he was out of the door, he let himself cry, not wanting to get up and face the world. He knew he needed to, he needed to finish the video with Dream and Sapnap. That was the only thing pulling him out of the bed again. He joined their call, luckily or not they were still in the call and had just paused the game.

"Hey, sorry about that." George said, he knew he needed and excuse, but he couldn't come up with one.

"Is everything alright?" Dream asked, George wasn't sure if he could hear the sadness in George's voice or if he was just curious.

"Yeah..." George couldn't seem to stop the tears threatening to fall. "Actually no..." George felt a knot in his stomach. He knew he needed to talk to someone about what was going on.

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